No, I love my severums! I think they're pretty...but what the hell??? My severums are the 'oldest' of all my fishes, yet they have not mated, even though I got them for each other (assuming that one is a male and one is a female, of course).....And my 1st severum I have had it since '97, and the other since Jan. of '00, and it is twice the size of the other....I only saw eggs one time a couple years ago, but that was I know I have at least one female, anyway. But I have never seen one do dancing headstands... Yet, in my reef, my maroon clowns decide to pair up and have been doing their thing for a few months now with no help from me...and they have been together less than a year...go figure. Guess you can't force nature when nature is determined.... Hmmmph..