in my app. 25 yrs in the hobby, and having read most of the commonly available damsel books, photo encyclopedias (damselfishes of the south seas- the entire set, included), etc.,-i want to offer you the highest/ compliment praise i can, as someone who's always been an avid damsel fan...
your shot of the gaping damsel is not only one of the best fish pics i've seen, but absolutely THE best damsel pic i've ever had the pleasure to enjoy
gives a perfect illustration of how beautiful these diminutive (in size, only) fish truly are
kudo's and huzzahs to you- a truly majestic photo 8) 8) 8) 8)
i may just break my 'no vote rule' i've had since i was of legal age, if/when this comes to a vote
thank you for such a great fish moment
in my app. 25 yrs in the hobby, and having read most of the commonly available damsel books, photo encyclopedias (damselfishes of the south seas- the entire set, included), etc.,-i want to offer you the highest/ compliment praise i can, as someone who's always been an avid damsel fan...
your shot of the gaping damsel is not only one of the best fish pics i've seen, but absolutely THE best damsel pic i've ever had the pleasure to enjoy
gives a perfect illustration of how beautiful these diminutive (in size, only) fish truly are
kudo's and huzzahs to you- a truly majestic photo 8) 8) 8) 8)
i may just break my 'no vote rule' i've had since i was of legal age, if/when this comes to a vote
thank you for such a great fish moment