F fungia Advanced Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Jun 24, 2003 #2 cool. hes a fat one. does he eat foods or does he just pick stuff from the rocks? i am too chicken to try a mandarin.
cool. hes a fat one. does he eat foods or does he just pick stuff from the rocks? i am too chicken to try a mandarin.
M mnreefman Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Jun 24, 2003 #3 she eats mostly pods, i always watch as a i feed live brine alot, but she will take one or two every now and then
she eats mostly pods, i always watch as a i feed live brine alot, but she will take one or two every now and then
D dtiedke Experienced Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Jun 24, 2003 #4 Way cool!!! Me too Me too!!!! Attachments dragon.jpg 47.7 KB · Views: 669
T TrevorRobertson Experienced Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Jun 24, 2003 #5 one of my favorite fish, I am planning on getting one in the next 4-5 months!! your know I don't want to rush in to anytihng
one of my favorite fish, I am planning on getting one in the next 4-5 months!! your know I don't want to rush in to anytihng