I put up some comments when you put this up in the sump, but I"ll reiterate here. I really like this work! Flowers, especially larger or frame-filling flowers really lend themselves to this off-center, cropped look. I've got a series of tropical flowers that I did in B&W for something different; they've come out almost looking like IR shots. This is really nice work overall; I especially love the focus and perfect clarity. What camera are you shooting again??
For a different version of this, I might even try croppping it tighter, so you get nothing but the center of the flower and some of the petals off the lower-right side. Might be worth a 2nd look...??
Thanks, John! I was really happy with this one too. I will take a look at a new composition of it when I have a chance- maybe tonight. Might be interesting for a side-by-side comparison.
That was shot with a Nikon Coolpix 4300, believe it! That particular camera shoots excellent images in high light.
Did you have to do post-work to achieve that DOF with the background blurred out, or is that natural with the camera? When I had my minolta I could never get a shallow DOF like that. It's much easier with the new canon, esp when I use the 300mm zoom.
No post-work on the DOF there, John. I want to say that I achieved it by shooting on macro mode. That said, the aperture on my camera makes a huge difference with DOF.
Yes, and after playing with this particular camera a bit, the macro mode focal length overlaps the "normal" focal length by a bit. All that means is, I can still shoot stuff a few feet away in macro mode.