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A few pics from my 215 - still trying to get pics of my Comet and my Cobberband. Yes I am stil working on keeping camera steady - I think I need a tripod.

Regal and some softies / LPS


Rainford goby , zoos, capnella - hard to get clear shot on him.


The taskmaster himself - Husker the tuskfish.


Left side of tank with regal, foxface and CBB in pic.



wwwwwwwwwwooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is one seriously badass tank, Techno! Oh man, a 215, I am stricken with green envy.

Love those big mats of zoos! I want some! ;)



Thanks for the compliment HD :) Tank is always a work in progress but getting better all the time!

Here's a pic of the right side with my black ocellaris pair and the camera hog tang again.



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He got too big for my tank. Had to sell him. :-( He was happy and healthy, but the water quality just kept declining, and I didn't want to start doing weekly water changes just to keep up with his feeding. Plus I couldn't put any shrimp, stars, or crabs in there, as he made a hobby of just cruising the open-floor areas of the tank and flipping shells over to see what was inside them.

Maybe if a really small juvi comes through the store someday I'll get another one, but the one I got rid of was fully grown--about 10" or so, and just too big for a 130 gal reef.


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BTW Sharkky,
Is that fish on your avatar a Cheatodontoplus Mesoleucus? I want to buy one for my 65 gal... In my 65 gal i didnt put too much LR and put all the LR to one corner of the tank so there is a HUGE swimming space for him... I heard they get 6" max so i think its better to have one then a dwarf angel because i love butterflies and he just looks like a butterfly. So am i right that they get around 6"?


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Not sure on the scientific name of him (I looked it up once, but promptly forgot). They're usually listed in the LFS as "Singapore Angels". They're cousins to the scribbled angels, but at a fraction of the price. Our local LFS had a whole string of them in for a month or so. From what I've read (mostly in Scott Michael's books), the singapore either hides all the time and withers away to nothing, or is out eating all the time and happy and healthy. And yes, I think you're right--they max out around 6" or 8".

They're primarily filamentous algae eaters, but will also pick at diatomaceous film algaes as well. I had a nasty hair algae problem for awhile and this guy went through it like a buzzsaw.

Mine was about 2" or so when I got him, so he was really small. In the store he was out cruising the tank quite a bit, and had been in for a couple weeks when I finally picked him up. He settled right in to my tank and went to town on the algae. Unfortunately he ended up contracting crypto. The cleaner shrimp helped, but I think he was too weakened--he ended up dying about a month after going into my system. :-( Gorgeous little fish, though.


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Sorry for your los,
I think i m gonna buy one. My friend has one and he wants to sell all of his fish and buy an eel i think i m gonna buy his


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That sucks sharkky. I adore my tuskfish but he may have to find a new home soon - has been bullying theother fish in territorial disputes. He's about 6" now - grown about 1" in the past 7 months I've had him.


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The tusk is by far my favorite fish in the sea. I'm going to bide my time and wait for a nice little 1.5" juvi. :D

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