I saw this interesting critter buzzing around in one of my tanks. I was able to catch it and get it in a couple of drops of water for this picture. It is some species of mysis shrimp I believe. Approximate size 2-3 mm.
Awesome listings all! Keep em flowing... I'm grabbing the images I think we can use and will combine them with what we already have to create a larger database of images.
Also, if you want a real name (instead of your screen name) to appear as credits on the image, please let me know by private message.
If anyone could help ID my orangeanemone.jpg, that would be great. These things are beautiful and I want to do my best to keep them alive.
I have two of them and one of them is about 1/2" across, the other 1/3". It has two sets of tentacles, orange and clear. They REALLY like shrimp and gobble it down and appear stuffed afterwards. They are able to grab onto the shrimp with some force as I try to remove the toothpick the shrimp was attached to, they will stretch clinging to the food as the toothpick is removed. If they are frightened they can retract VERY fast and I've noticed the body is a pale white color.
This was a hitchhiker on a friend of mine's rock, looks like some kind of cup coral, possibly a Hidden Cup Coral (Phyllangia americana)? Came on live rock from the Florida Gulf of Mexico.
What I would assume is a feather duster. Hubby and I are all new at this. The red spots along the central spines are not visible with the naked eye (or at least not with mine!) There is still a little camera shake. Sorry.
This is shot with a Nikon D70, 105mm Nikkor Macro.
Asterina sp star? Not sure if it is, but I found it crawling on my glass. I took it out to get a top down picture. This guy is no bigger than the width of a pencil eraser.
I have a 180g reef going good for 2.5 years with many of the little 3,4 up to 7,8 legged stars no bigger than a nickel, Then I saw this and is what the heck, Grabed the camera, Kodak DX 4330. Under 250w MH 10000k. Not sure what it is. I have always heard they reproduce by droping legs. Think its one of those little stars splitting/morphing. Thats the best close up I could manage. The critter there is only bout 1.5 inches. Had to leave and when I came back I could not see it any more. I think this may be one for the Gurues
I've been trying to get a picture of these guys for a long time. Finally they were on the glass in the right lighting. I think these worms are very beautiful. They are each about 3/4 inch in the picture, but of course can extend their tentacles much farther when they are feeding. Picture taken with Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ3.