ok I love to give Jason a lot of crap, but I have to give props when they are due. he can grow coral like no one else I know. this tank is a year old. it began as rocks and a bunch of frags and very small colonies. Now colonies the size of basketballs need to be pulled from the tank to keep it from becoming overgrown. Jason gets all shy in public, but he needs to take a bow
This is the display tank by the way, or as I like to call it, the excuse for opening a aquarium store :lol:
this is my little tenuis colony growing in the tank, I will insist it be named after me,
the LE jhale tenuis, ok so it looks like all the others, but I can try
Paul, I'll let Jason give the info on the specs, I just don't remember all the details.
I will say the equipment list is kept very simple, and the tank is acrylic