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Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
Rating - 97.1%
33   1   0
Special Offer - Save on shipping and have us bring your fish to the Swap for pick up!
Special pricing available for fish pick up at the Swap only. No other discount or credit applies. Only paid orders will be procured and honored. Send PayPal to [email protected] to order. These are not POTO Conditioned fish. Not every fish will be available at time of the Swap, and in the event of which refund will be issued. Guarantee policy is the same as local pickup. Thanks and look forward to seeing you guys in Connecticut!

Size Guide:
T - Tiny (< 1-1/2"), S - Small (1-1/2" to 2-1/2"), SM - Small/Medium (2-1/2" to 3"), M - Medium (3" to 3-1/2"), ML - Medium/Large (3-1/2" - 4-1/2"), L - Large (4-1/2" to 6"), XL - Extra Large (6"+)

Africanus Angel - Holocanthus (XL) - $499.98,
Annularis Angel - Pomacanthus (ML) - $113.98,
Annularis Angel - Pomacanthus (L) - $129.98,
Annularis Angel - Pomacanthus (XL) - $169.98,
Asfur Angel Red Sea - Pomacan (SM) - $179.98,
Banded Angel Hawaii - Apolemi - $900,
Bicolor Angel - Centropyge bic (S) - $17.98,
Bicolor Angel - Centropyge bic (SM) - $19,
Bicolor Angel - Centropyge bic (M) - $19.98,
Blueface Angel: Juv - Pomacant (SM) - $65.98,
Coral Beauty Angel (S) - $17.98,
Coral Beauty Angel (SM) - $19,
Coral Beauty Angel (M) - $19.98,
Coral Beauty Angel (ML) - $21.98,
Flagfin Angel (M) - $55.98,
Flagfin Angel (ML) - $65.98,
Flame Angel Marshall Is. (S) - $45.98,
Flame Angel Marshall Is. (SM) - $45.98,
Flame Angel Marshall Is. (M) - $47.98,
Flame Angel Marshall Is. (ML) - $49.98,
Flame Angel Marshall Is. (L) - $51.98,
Flameback Angel Afr. - $49.98,
Half Black Angel (SM) - $17,
Half Black Angel` (M) - $17.98,
Half Black Angel (ML) - $19.98,
Imperator Angel: Changing (L) - $105.98,
Imperator Angel: Juv (SM) - $53.98,
Koran Angel (S) - $25.98,
Koran Angel (ML) - $55.98,
Koran Angel (L) - $79.98,
Lemonpeel Angel Fiji (S) - $29.98,
Lemonpeel Angel Fiji (SM) - $31.98,
Lemonpeel Angel Fiji (M) - $33.98,
Lemonpeel Angel Fiji (ML) - $35.98,
Majestic Angel (SM) - $109.98,
Majestic Angel (M) - $119.98,
Midnight (Nox) Angel (SM) - $17,
Multi-Barred Angel (SM) - $43.98,
Multi-Barred Angel (M) - $47.98,
Personifer Angel Aus. (M) - $379.98,
Personifer Angel Aus. (ML) - $439.98,
Personifer Angel Aus. (L) - $479.98,
Personifer Angel Aus. (XL) - $559.98,
Queen Angel Atl. (JU) - $550,
Regal Angel: Yellow Belly (ML) - $115.98,
Regal Angel: Yellow Belly (L) - $135.98,
Six Bar Angel (M) - $49.5,
Six Bar Angel (ML) - $57.5,
Yellow Angel (M) - $17.98,
Yellowtail Poma Angel (ML) - $63.98,
Black Angler (T) - $35.98,
Black Angler (SM) - $55.98,
Colored Angler (ML) - $79.98,
Colored Angler: Super (ML) - $119.98,
Colored Angler: Super (L) - $139.98,
Sargassum Angler (M) - $27.98,
Wartskin Angler: Super (S) - $149.98,
Bartlett's Anthias: Fem. Mar - $37.98,
Bartlett's Anthias: Male Mar - $45.98,
Borbonius (Blotchy) Anthias - $179.98,
Flavoguttatus Anthias (S) - $39.98,
Flavoguttatus Anthias (SM) - $39.98,
Flavoguttatus Anthias (M) - $43.98,
Flavoguttatus Anthias (ML) - $49.98,
Flavoguttatus Anthias (L) - $53.98,
Ignitus Anthias: Female (SM) - $19,
Ignitus Anthias: Male (SM) - $23.98,
Orange Anthias: Female (S) - $15.98,
Orange Anthias: Female (SM) - $15.98,
Orange Anthias: Male (M) - $29.98,
Orange Anthias: Male (ML) - $33.98,
Randall's Anthias: Female - $19.98,
Randall's Anthias: Male - $31.98,
Square Anthias: Female (SM) - $19.98,
Square Anthias: Female (M) - $21.98,
Square Anthias: Female (ML) - $23.98,
Square Anthias: Male Fiji - $39.98,
Sunburst Anthias (M) - $47.98,
Waitei (Sherbert) Anthias Mar - $29.98,
*** BASSLETS ***,
Japanese Basslet - $21.98,
Swalesi Basslet - $45.98,
*** BATFISH ***,
Orbiculate Batfish (S) - $17.98,
*** BLENNIES ***,
Canary Blenny: Yellow Fiji - $15.98,
Forktail Blenny - $9.98,
Golden Tiger Blenny - $13.98,
Lawnmower Blenny (S) - $7.98,
Lawnmower Blenny (SM) - $7.98,
Lawnmower Blenny (M) - $9.18,
Midas Blenny: Golden (S) - $27.98,
Midas Blenny: Golden (SM) - $27.98,
Midas Blenny: Golden (M) - $29.98,
Midas Blenny: Golden (ML) - $31.98,
Midas Blenny: Golden (L) - $35.98,
Pink Banded Blenny - $13.98,
Red Scooter Blenny I.O. (S) - $15.98,
Red Scooter Blenny I.O. (SM) - $17.98,
Ruby Red Dragonette (S) - $13.98,
Ruby Red Dragonette (SM) - $15.98,
Ruby Red Dragonette (M) - $21.98,
Scooter Blenny (S) - $5.98,
Scooter Blenny (SM) - $6.5,
Scooter Blenny (M) - $7.5,
Smith's Blenny - $9.98,
Starry Blenny (S) - $13.98,
Starry Blenny (SM) - $15,
Starry Blenny (M) - $15.98,
Starry Blenny (L) - $23.98,
Tailspot Blenny - $19.98,
Tribal Blenny - $17,
*** BOXFISH ***,
Camel Cowfish (T) - $15.98,
Camel Cowfish (S) - $17.98,
Camel Cowfish (SM) - $21.98,
Camel Cowfish (M) - $25.98,
Long Horned Cowfish (S) - $17.98,
Long Horned Cowfish (SM) - $21.98,
Long Horned Cowfish (M) - $27.98
Yellow Cubicus (T) - $13.5,
Yellow Cubicus (S) - $15.98,
Yellow Cubicus (M) - $23.98,
Auriga (Threadfin) Butterfly (M) - $25.98,
Burgess Butterfly (SM) - $99.98,
Burgess Butterfly (M) - $99.98,
Burgess Butterfly (ML) - $99.98,
Citron Butterfly (SM) - $17.98,
Citron Butterfly (M) - $21.98,
Citron Butterfly (ML) - $27.98,
Copperband Butterfly (S) - $19.98,
Copperband Butterfly (SM) - $23.98,
Copperband Butterfly (M) - $29.98,
Copperband Butterfly (ML) - $35.98,
Four Spot Butterfly Haw. (M) - $31.98,
Klein's Butterfly (S) - $15.98,
Klein's Butterfly (SM) - $15.98,
Klein's Butterfly (M) - $19.98,
Klein's Butterfly (ML) - $23.98,
Mesoleucos Butterfly Red Sea (M) - $173.98,
Pakistani Butterfly (M) - $33.98,
Pearlscale Butterfly (M) - $23.98,
Punctato Butterfly (SM) - $15.98,
Punctato Butterfly (M) - $17.98,
Punctato Butterfly (ML) - $21.98,
Raccoon Butterfly (SM) - $25.98,
Raccoon Butterfly (M) - $31.98,
Raccoon Butterfly (ML) - $39.98,
Rafflesi Butterfly (M) - $25.98,
Semilarvatus Butterfly R. Sea (SM) - $159.98,
Singularis Heniochus (S) - $21.98,
Singularis Heniochus (SM) - $25.98,
Vagabond Butterfly (SM) - $17.98,
Vagabond Butterfly (M) - $21.98,
Yellow Longnose Butterfly (SM) - $21.98,
Yellow Longnose Butterfly (M) - $25.98,
Yellow Longnose Butterfly (ML) - $31.98,
Banner Cardinal (S) - $5.98,
Banner Cardinal (M) - $7.18,
Banner Cardinal (L) - $9.18,
Banner (Bangai) Cardinal (XL) - $9.18,
Glass Cardinal - $9,
Orange Stripe Cardinal (S) - $23.98,
Orange Stripe Cardinal (SM) - $23.98,
Orange Stripe Cardinal Fiji (M) - $25.98,
Orbic (Pajama) Cardinal (S) - $7.58,
Orbic (Pajama) Cardinal (SM) - $8.58,
Orbic (Pajama) Cardinal (M) - $9.58,
Orbic (Pajama) Cardinal (ML) - $10.98,
Ruby Cardinal - $7.98,
*** CLOWN FISH ***,
Bluestripe Clown Fiji (SM) - $37.98,
Bluestripe Clown Fiji (M) - $43.98,
Maroon Clown: Lightning T.R - $339.98,
Midnight Ocellaris Clown T.R - $79.98,
Ocellaris Clown: T.R. (S) - $9.98,
Ocellaris Clown:T.R. (SM) - $9.98,
Ocellaris Clown:T.R. (M) - $9.98,
Ocellaris Clown: T.R. (L) - $21.98,
Ocellaris Clown: Blk&Wht T.R (SM) - $25.98,
Ocellaris Clown: Blk&Wht T.R (M) - $25.98,
Ocellaris Clown: Blk&Wht T.R (ML) - $47.98,
Percula Clown: True (SM) - $21.98,
Percula Clown: True (M) - $23.98,
Picasso Clown: B Grade T.R. (SM) - $39.98,
Picasso Clown: B Grade T.R. (M) - $39.98,
Picasso Clown: B Grade T.R. (ML) - $43.98,
Picasso Clown: C Grade T.R. - $31.98,
Picasso Clown: C Grade T.R. (ML) - $49.98,
Snowflake Clown: A Grade T.R (SM) - $59.98,
Snowflake Clown: A Grade T.R (M) - $59.98,
Snowflake Clown: A Grade T.R (ML) - $59.98,
Snowflake Clown: B Grade T.R (SM) - $39.98,
Snowflake Clown: B Grade T.R (M) - $39.98,
Snowflake Clown: B Grade T.R (ML) - $39.98,
Tomato Clown (S) - $7.78,
Tomato Clown (SM) - $8.58,
Tomato Clown (M) - $9.98,
Tomato Clown (ML) - $13,
*** DAMSEL FISH ***,
Alleni Damsel - $5.98,
Domino Damsel - $2.7,
Electric Blue Damsel - $5,
Garibaldi Damsel: Juv. (M) - $75.98,
Green Chromis Damsel - $2.78,
Green Chromis Damsel: H.C. (M) - $9,
Green Chromis Damsel: H.C. (ML) - $11.98,
Green Chromis Damsel: H.C. (L) - $13.98,
Green Chromis Damsel: HC Fiji (M) - $9.98,
Green Chromis Damsel: HC Fiji (L) - $13.98,
Neon Velvet Damsel - $5.58,
Orange Line Chromis Damsel - $2.78,
Staghorn Damsel - $3.98,
Staghorn Damsel: Yellow - $5.18,
Striped Damsel: (3-Stripe) - $2.58,
Striped Damsel: (4-Stripe) - $2.78,
Talbot Damsel - $3.78,
Vanderbilt Chromis Damsel - $15.98,
Yellowtail Blue Damsel - $2.58,
*** EELS ***,
Green Wolf Eel (SM) - $25.98,
Green Wolf Eel (M) - $27.98,
Snowflake Moray (S) - $11.98,
Snowflake Moray (SM) - $13.98,
Snowflake Moray (M) - $17.98,
Tesselata Eel (ML) - $139.98,
*** FILE FISH ***,
Aiptasia Eating File (SM) - $19.98,
Aiptasia Eating File (M) - $21.98,
Aiptasia Eating File (ML) - $25,
Aiptasia Eating File (L) - $27.98,
Green File Atl. - $13.9,
Assorted Goatfish (SM) - $15.98,
Bicolor Goatfish Fiji (M) - $21.98,
Bicolor Goatfish Fiji (ML) - $27.98,
*** GOBIES ***,
Bar Goby (S) - $9,
Bar Goby (SM) - $9.98,
Bar Goby (M) - $11,
Bar Goby (ML) - $11.98,
Bar Goby (L) - $13.98,
Blue Gudgeon Goby - $9.5,
Cinnamon Clown Goby - $5.98
Citron Clown Goby: YellowFiji (M) - $13,
Dragon Goby (S) - $11.98,
Dragon Goby (SM) - $13.98,
Dragon Goby (M) - $15.98,
Engineer (Neon) Goby (S) - $3.98,
Engineer (Neon) Goby (SM) - $3.98,
Engineer (Neon) Goby (M) - $5.18,
Firefish Goby - $5.58,
Green Clown Goby - $5.98,
Green Mandarin Goby (S) - $7.98,
Green Mandarin Goby (SM) - $7.98,
Helfrich's Firefish Goby Mar. - $79.98,
Orange Banded Prawn Goby - $13,
Orange Banded Prawn Goby Afr. (M) - $37.9,
Orange Marked Goby - $13,
Orange Spot Prawn Goby - $13.98,
Purple Firefish Goby (S) - $17.98,
Purple Firefish Goby (SM) - $19.98,
Purple Firefish Goby (M) - $21.98,
Purple Firefish Goby (ML) - $23.98,
Railway Sleeper Goby (ML) - $27.98,
Railway Sleeper Goby (L) - $35.98,
Rainfordi Goby - $5,
Randall's Goby (S) - $25.98,
Randall's Goby (SM) - $27.98,
Randall's Goby (M) - $29.98,
Scissortail Goby (S) - $9,
Scissortail Goby (SM) - $9.98,
Scissortail Goby (M) - $11,
Tiger (Wardi) Goby (S) - $19.98,
Tiger (Wardi) Goby (SM) - $21.98,
Twinspot (Signal) Goby - $7.98,
Watchman Goby (M) - $9.18,
Yellow Clown Goby - $5.5,
Yellow (Target) Mandarin Goby (SM) - $9,
Yellow (Target) Mandarin Goby (M) - $9.98,
Yellow Rose (Antenna) Goby - $13.98,
Yellow Watchman Goby (S) - $5.98,
Yellow Watchman Goby (SM) - $7,
Yellow Watchman Goby (M) - $9,
*** GROUPERS ***,
Coney Grouper Atl. (M) - $49.98,
Coney Grouper Atl. (ML) - $59.98,
Coney Grouper Atl. (L) - $73.98,
Panther Grouper Tank Raised (S) - $13.98,
Panther Grouper Tank Raised (SM) - $17.98,
Polleni Grouper (M) - $199.98,
Polleni Grouper (ML) - $199.98,
Polleni Grouper (L) - $199.98,
Indigo Hamlet Atl. (M) - $29.5,
*** HAWK FISH ***,
Arc Eye Hawk (S) - $11.98,
Arc Eye Hawk (SM) - $13,
Arc Eye Hawk (M) - $13.98,
Falco Hawk - $13.5,
Flame Hawk Haw. - $45.98,
Geometric Pygmy Hawk - $13.98,
Giant Hawkfish Mex. (S) - $59.9,
Giant Hawkfish Mex. (SM) - $59.9,
Giant Hawkfish Mex. (M) - $69.91,
Giant Hawkfish Mex. (ML) - $79.91,
Giant Hawkfish Mex. (L) - $89.9,
Longnose Hawk (S) - $27.98,
Longnose Hawk (SM) - $29.98,
Longnose Hawk (M) - $33.98,
*** HOG FISH ***,
Diana's Hogfish (SM) - $23.98,
Diana's Hogfish (M) - $27.98,
Diana's Hogfish (ML) - $31.98,
Diana's Hogfish: Juv. (SM) - $16.9,
Eclipse Hogfish (M) - $27.98,
Twospot (Candy) Hogfish (S) - $25.98,
Twospot (Candy) Hogfish (SM) - $27.98,
*** JAWFISH ***,
Blue Spot Jawfish Mexico - $93.98,
Bullseye Jawfish - $25.98,
Tiger Jawfish - $19,
*** LION FISH ***,
Dwarf Lion (SM) - $21.98,
Fu Manchu Lion (M) - $55.98,
Fuzzy Dwarf Lion (M) - $27.98,
*** PARROT FISH ***,
Bicolor Parrotfish (S) - $19.98,
*** PIPEFISH ***,
Bluestripe Pipefish - $27.98,
Dragon (Red Bug Eater) Pipefis - $23.98,
Red Banded Pipefish - $31.9,
Aldabraensis (Neon) Pseudo TR - $39.98,
Bicolor Pseudo - $4.99,
Blue Bar Pseudochromis: Male - $11,
Diadema Pseudochromis - $7,
Fridmani (Orchid) Pseudo: T.R. - $31.98,
Polynemus Pseudo - $29.9,
Rainbow Pseudochromis - $13.98,
Red Head Pseudochromis - $13.98,
Sankeyi Pseudo: T.R. - $43.98,
Splendid Pseudo - $29.98,
Springeri Pseudo: T.R. - $31.98,
Yellow Pseudochromis - $15.98,
*** PUFFER FISH ***,
Blue Spot Puffer Fiji (M) - $27.98,
Burr (Spiny Box) Puffer (M) - $33.98,
Burrowing Puffer (S) - $11.98,
Dogface Puffer (M) - $29.98,
Dogface Puffer (ML) - $37.98,
Dogface Puffer: Yellow Belly (ML) - $79.98,
Dogface Puffer: Yellow Belly (L) - $89.98,
Gold Puffer Haw. - $699.98,
Valentini Puffer (S) - $9.18,
Valentini Puffer (SM) - $9.98,
Valentini Puffer (M) - $11.18,
*** RABBIT FISH ***,
Blue Lined Rabbit Fish (SM) - $29.98,
Fiji Foxface Fiji (M) - $55.98,
Fiji Foxface Fiji (L) - $71.98,
Foxface (SM) - $27.98,
Foxface (M) - $35.98,
Foxface (ML) - $43.98,
Golden Rabbit Fish (M) - $33.98,
Golden Rabbit Fish (ML) - $43.98,
Metallic Foxface (M) - $95.98,
Metallic Foxface (ML) - $75.98,
Metallic Foxface (L) - $89.98
Metallic Foxface (XL) - $99.98,
Orangespot Rabbit Fiji (M) - $35.98,
Scribbled Rabbit Fish (SM) - $21.98,
Scribbled Rabbit Fish (M) - $25.98,
*** SHARKS ***,
Banded Cat Shark: Egg Case - $35.98,
Leopard Shark Japan (L) - $1300,
Shovelnose Shark - $249.98,
Smooth Hound Shark - $339.98,
Blueline Snapper (S) - $31.98,
Blueline Snapper (SM) - $31.98,
Blueline Snapper (M) - $59.98,
Bigeye Soldierfish (M) - $29.98,
*** STINGRAYS ***,
Bat Stingray - $299.98,
California Stingray - $49.98,
California Stingray (L) - $55.98,
*** SWEETLIPS ***,
Yellow Lined Sweetlips (M) - $31.98,
Yellow Lined Sweetlips (ML) - $39.98,
Yellow Lined Sweetlips (L) - $55.98,
Atlantic Blue Tang (SM) - $59.98,
Blonde Naso Tang (M) - $65.98,
Blonde Naso Tang (ML) - $85.98,
Blonde Naso Tang (L) - $109.98,
Blonde Naso Tang (XL) - $139.98,
Blonde Naso Tang (SH) - $339.98,
Blue (Hippo) Tang (S) - $35.98,
Blue (Hippo) Tang (SM) - $39.98,
Blue (Hippo) Tang (M) - $51.98,
Blue (Hippo) Tang (ML) - $61.98,
Blue Tang: Yellow Belly (M) - $73.98,
Blue Tang: Yellow Belly (ML) - $93.98,
Blue Eye Tang (SM) - $25.98,
Blue Eye Tang (M) - $29.98,
Chevron Tang: Juv Haw. (SM) - $149.98,
Chevron Tang: Juv Haw. (M) - $159.98,
Chocolate (Yel.Mimic) Tang (M) - $35.98,
Chocolate (Yel.Mimic) Tang (ML) - $47.98,
Clown Tang (SM) - $25.98,
Clown Tang (M) - $33.98,
Clown Tang (ML) - $53.98,
Convict Tang (S) - $19.98,
Convict Tang (SM) - $23.98,
Desjardinii Sailfin Tang (SM) - $37.98,
Desjardinii Sailfin Tang (M) - $45.98,
Flame Fin (Tomini) Tang (M) - $39.98,
Fowleri Tang (XL) - $231.98,
Halfblack Mimic Tang (SM) - $25.98,
Halfblack Mimic Tang (M) - $31.98,
Maculiceps Tang (L) - $149.98,
Maculiceps Tang (XL) - $189.98,
Mata Tang - Acanthurus mata (S) - $25.98,
Mata Tang - Acanthurus mata (SM) - $31.98,
Mata Tang - Acanthurus mata (M) - $39.98,
Naso Tang Fiji (SM) - $27.98,
Naso Tang Haw. (L) - $89.98,
Orange Shoulder Tang (ML) - $45.98,
Orange Shoulder Tang (L) - $59.98,
Powder Blue Tang (S) - $39.98,
Powder Blue Tang (SM) - $39.98,
Powder Blue Tang (M) - $51.98,
Powder Blue Tang (ML) - $69.98,
Powder Blue Tang (L) - $85.98,
Powder Blue Tang (XL) - $105.98,
Purple Tang (M) - $139.98,
Purple Tang (ML) - $149.98,
Purple Tang (L) - $159.98,
Purple Tang (XL) - $179.98,
Sailfin Tang (S) - $19.98,
Sailfin Tang (SM) - $21.98,
Sailfin Tang (M) - $25.98,
Sailfin Tang (ML) - $33.98,
Scopas Tang (S) - $15.98,
Scopas Tang (SM) - $17.98,
Scopas Tang (M) - $21.98,
Sohal Tang R. Sea (S) - $129.98,
Sohal Tang R. Sea (SM) - $129.98,
Sohal Tang R. Sea (M) - $139.98,
Sohal Tang R. Sea (ML) - $149.98,
Unicorn Tang (SM) - $31.98,
Vlamingi Tang - Limit 6 (S) - $9.98,
Vlamingi Tang - Limit 6 (SM) - $9.98,
Yellow Tang Haw. (S) - $27.98,
Yellow Tang Haw. (SM) - $27.98,
Purple Tile Goby - $55.98,
Bluejaw Trigger: Female (M) - $35.98,
Bluejaw Trigger: Female (ML) - $39.98,
Bluejaw Trigger: Male (M) - $51.98,
Bluejaw Trigger: Male (ML) - $59.98,
Bluejaw Trigger: Male (L) - $69.98,
Bursa Trigger (SM) - $17.98,
Clown Trigger (ML) - $149.98,
Clown Trigger (J) - $700,
Crosshatch Trigger: Fem Haw. - $699.98,
Crosshatch Trigger: Male Haw - $799.98,
Gold Heart Trigger Africa (S) - $125.98,
Gold Heart Trigger Africa (SM) - $135.98,
Gold Heart Trigger Africa (M) - $155.98,
Gold Heart Trigger Africa (ML) - $165.98,
Gold Heart Trigger Africa (L) - $175.98,
Humu Humu Trigger (M) - $23.98,
Niger Trigger (SH) - $139.98,
Pineapple Trigger (S) - $17.98,
Rectangulus Trigger (SM) - $19.98,
Rectangulus Trigger (M) - $23.98,
Rough (Spotted) Trigger (SM) - $33.98,
Undulate Trigger (SM) - $19.98,
Undulate Trigger (M) - $23.98,
*** WRASSES ***,
Angulatus Flasher Wrasse Fem. - $25.98,
Angulatus Flasher Wrasse Male - $25.98,
Blue Sided Fairy Wrasse (SM) - $21.98,
Blue Sided Fairy Wrasse (M) - $23.98,
Brown Bird Wrasse (SM) - $21.98,
Brown Bird Wrasse (M) - $27.98,
Brown Bird Wrasse (ML) - $31.98,
Carpenter Flasher Wrasse (M) - $21.98,
Clown Fairy Wrasse (SM) - $37.98Clown Fairy Wrasse (M) - $41.98,
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse R.S (M) - $89.98,
Exquisite Fairy Wrasse (S) - $29.98,
Exquisite Fairy Wrasse (SM) - $33.98,
Exquisite Fairy Wrasse Afr. (M) - $49.98,
Formosa Wrasse: Juv. Afr (M) - $31.98,
Green Bird Wrasse (ML) - $49.98,
Koi Fairy Wrasse: Male - $27.98,
Lime Green (Sunset) Wrasse Fi (M) - $53.98,
Lunare Wrasse (ML) - $33.98,
Marble Wrasse (SM) - $17.98,
Marble Wrasse (M) - $23.98,
McCoskeri Flasher Male - $19.98,
Melanarus Wrasse: Male (SM) - $9.98,
Melanarus Wrasse: Male (M) - $13.98,
Melanarus Wrasse: Male (ML) - $17.98,
Newtoni African Wrasse Africa (ML) - $85.98,
Red Margin Fairy: Male (M) - $55.98,
Red Pygmy Possum Wrasse - $33.98,
Six Line Wrasse (S) - $9.98,
Six Line Wrasse (SM) - $9.98,
Six Line Wrasse (M) - $11,
Six Line Wrasse (ML) - $13,
Sunset Fairy Wrasse: Male - $49.98,
Temminicki Fairy Wrasse: Male (M) - $43.98,
Tricolor Fairy Wrasse: Male - $23.98,
Yel. & Wht. Coris Wrasse I.O. (SM) - $17.98,
Yel. & Wht. Coris Wrasse I.O. (M) - $19.98,
Yel. & Wht. Coris Wrasse I.O. (ML) - $23,
Yellow Fin Fairy Wrasse: Male - $29.98,
*** MISC. FISH ***,
Flounder (M) - $31.98,
Fusilier: Assorted Color - $25.98,
Look Down Fish Atl. (L) - $250,
Moorish Idol (M) - $47.98,
Mono Fish I.O. (M) - $19.98,
Mono Fish I.O. (ML) - $23,
Pilotfish (S) - $27.98,
Pilotfish (ML) - $53.98,
Pilotfish T.R. (M) - $39.98,
Pilotfish T.R. (ML) - $39.98,
Shrimp Fish - $27.98

Products on the site can also be ordered for pick-up at the CT Frag Farmer's Market. Just select "Pick up at Swap" as the shipping option during check-out.

Last edited:


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
Rating - 97.1%
33   1   0
Due to inclement weather and timing reasons, special arrangement had to be made to get the fish shipped earlier than planned. As of now I'm not accepting new orders to bring to FFM. If you have paid, your fish are coming. If not, I may bring some fish to the show if space allows for your shopping needs. Thanks all for the interest and see you at CT!

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