- Location
- Staten Island
Since quite a few people have asked, we now offer auction shipping modules at a discount if purchased in advance.
Note that the following details can also be found in the Shipping Module product page here: https://www.piecesoftheocean.com/collections/shipping-modules
How the auction shipping module works:
Discounted shipping modules can only be purchased before the auction starts. Our regular shipping rate will apply once the auction has started.
The date you choose will be the day your winning auction ships out.
If you don't win anything, we will refund the shipping module in full.
The minimum for winning auction ship outs still applies per our Auction Rules and Policy.
You can add other items to your auction order at no extra charge.
Saturday delivery is available with an additional $16.
Some cellphone photos of our corals for attention, some with frags going up on the next auction!
Note that the following details can also be found in the Shipping Module product page here: https://www.piecesoftheocean.com/collections/shipping-modules
How the auction shipping module works:
Discounted shipping modules can only be purchased before the auction starts. Our regular shipping rate will apply once the auction has started.
The date you choose will be the day your winning auction ships out.
If you don't win anything, we will refund the shipping module in full.
The minimum for winning auction ship outs still applies per our Auction Rules and Policy.
You can add other items to your auction order at no extra charge.
Saturday delivery is available with an additional $16.
Some cellphone photos of our corals for attention, some with frags going up on the next auction!