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y is it floating?
long island
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well, my water turned cloudy since noon. It isn't really cloudy like when a tank is first setup but more like fog, not clear. I have two mexican turbos for over a year now. For the last day they haven't moved from the sand bed. Are they dead?, both at the exact same time? Are they cause of the cloudy water? All corals and fish are fine. Should I be concerned?


Barnum Island
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I would suggest you pick up the turbos and smell them - not too close in case they are dead...they have a really bad odor.

Can you post a pic of the tank? I can't imagine that 2 dead turbos would cause your water to cloud up.

Also - can you tell us more about the tank like the size and skimmer type?
Did you run any tests on your water parameters..the results?


y is it floating?
long island
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I would suggest you pick up the turbos and smell them - not too close in case they are dead...they have a really bad odor.

Can you post a pic of the tank? I can't imagine that 2 dead turbos would cause your water to cloud up.

Also - can you tell us more about the tank like the size and skimmer type?
Did you run any tests on your water parameters..the results?
Like I said its not real cloudy, but I can see its isn't like normal. I have other snails, unaffected. 72bow with crappy skimmer. No changes made in the two week. I have allergies right now so I can't smell at the moment. :( but I should do some test.
Here are crappy cell phone pics of the tank.




y is it floating?
long island
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It looks like a bacterial bloom. Some run a UV to control it. What type of filtration r u running besides the "crappy" skimmer? May have to do a water change and check the snails..

What can cause the bacterial bloom from no changes?
I run chemipure and gac in a dual brs reactor. That's about it, been like this for the past year without any issues. Water change is in due a few days, might get to it earlier.
I'm going to have to check the snails and see if they are really gone.


y is it floating?
long island
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How often do u change ur media? Is that all u run as far as filtration skimmer and dual reactor..The snails could be dead and causing it like Sig45 said.
the chemipure elite is good for 6 months, but its only been 3 months, gac gets changed every 2-3 weeks. Yeah that's all in run in the tank. Sump is like 10g. I don't dose anything but marine snow, and thats been 3 weeks.


y is it floating?
long island
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Wait I got it!!! It may be that People are not supposed to be in the tanks. You have people in there (top left of tank)
Good eyes, but no the case here. They were just there to watch at the investigation scene.

Both mexican turbos are dead! how at the same time? who knows. Maybe the snail in the back dead first and the other saw it didn't want to live alone and committed suicide in the front of the tank for me to see it. :snail:
When I picked up the snail in the back of the tank, shell was empty ( it might be two days there). The other one (in the front, only a day there) like Katy had said to smell it. It smelled bad and the disc that protects it when it retracts was lose.
I'm disappointed now, water smells a bit and the water still is cloudy. Skimmer is pulling more wet now. I changed out the gac for now. Anything else I should be doing?


Advanced Reefer
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The dead snails most likely caused a sudden burst in ammonia which triggered a bacterial bloom. I'd just let the tank settle after removing the snails. Was there a sudden spike in temp? That might of led to the snail death. But judging by their size, those snails look pretty old.


y is it floating?
long island
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The dead snails most likely caused a sudden burst in ammonia which triggered a bacterial bloom. I'd just let the tank settle after removing the snails. Was there a sudden spike in temp? That might of led to the snail death. But judging by their size, those snails look pretty old.
there was no ammonia or nitrate spike. Both are undetected when I tested last night. The temp stays consistent at 79-80 now. I have about 40 other snails (nerite, turbos, cerith, nassarius) all which were unaffected before or after the cloudy water. The mexicans I had for over a year, they were about 1.5", big indeed. It could of been there time to go, but together? that's what I don't get.

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