how do you get rid of possible hitchhikers on CUC snails' shells?
I always float them in the bag for a while, then drop them in. No dipping here.
i dip them into a wine sauce... with parsley, oregano and season with salt and pepper.
seriously...no garlic & butter???
no one worries about hitchhikers on snails?
would they survive if i treated with salifert FWE?
Dude stop worrying..this is a little ridiculous lol I have never heard of such a thing. Proper acclimation for any fish,coral or invert is as follows.thanks, awilda.
Ok what kind of pests are going to hitchhike on a snail? It's unlikely anything that could be detrimental to a reef would do this. There's no such thing as snail dip and if you did dip them in anything odds are they would die. If w are concerned about flatworms last I checked they ate CORALS not snails. Odds they would be hiding in 1 are extremely unlikely. Coral pests will be near/on coral not on snails. Not to mention that by the time they are in your tank they have probably been in several tanks already. Caught by a diver probably put in a system he has then shipped to a wholesaler then a dealer then to you. I'm not saying it's impossible but I'm sure it's very slim. Hence why I told him not to worry,just like I never heard anyone worry about such a thing before.I don't think his question is about acclimation, more about making sure that he doesn't bring any pests into his system which is valid.
Proper acclimation for any fish,coral or invert is as follows.
Step 1 Float bag 20 mins to temp acclimate.
Step 2 Add some of your tank water to the bag (approx 1/10 the bag volume is the formula I use) continue to float another 15 mins or so.
Step 3 Do it again.
Step 4 one more time.
Step 5 release and enjoy.
I have used this method my entire fish keeping "career" and never had a loss using it. Some people like to drip in a bucket or something but in my opinion it sucks. The animals are sitting out while the water they are in is getting lower in temp and it takes a long time. When you keep the bag floating the temp stays the same at all times.