I use ESV. Started with IO Reef Crystals. My PH was a little lower with Reef Crystals but it was fine, I just used a Ph buffer. The ESV mixes clear a lot faster but again you should let the salt mix, perform gas exchange and oxygenate for at least overnight so the clearer faster part isn't what I think should sell you on a particular salt. I like you can taylor the ESV if you like dues to having 4 parts to mix, although I've always used the way they say to mix and had good results with it.
Either way you go you'll like a certain salt and that's the one you should go with.
chefs what i recc. you do is look on here and reefcentral look at peoples tank threads. whichever tank you see that you like alot and looks great find out what salt they are using and there husbandry and dosing ...