Do they like mysis and brine, cyclop eeze? I saw the Duncan eat a piece of red nori, thanks for the advice. Do you know what the best thing is to attach the Duncan cause it fell off the plug lol
All of my new LPS I always try to spot feed them at least once or twice a week for a few weeks until they are stronger and acclimated after that I never directly feed them. They do however,grab food as it floats by..both are considered lower light corals, but can adapt to stronger lighting alsogive them medium flow..too strong or not enough and they many not open fully....all Euphyillia species(Torch etc..) have a strong sting so give it plenty of room to grow...GL...
Yea maybe not necessary to feed but always better growth,coloration and health when you do. I guess I just like to take care of my corals and keep them happy I spot feed all my lps.
a syringe is the best way (no needle) put food in a cup of tank water suck it up and lightly squirt into the mouth of the coral. Do it very gently though because if it pops out too hard it will make the coral close up and the food will just float away.
I spot feed all my LPS. While you dont "have" to you will def see better growth out of them. I used to use a turkey baster to feed, but now I use a small squirt bottle. Turn off all pumps and gently squeeze into the tentacles of the coral and it will pull it into its mouth.