thats called algae.... it can be caused by a few bad parameters. such as nitrates, phosphates and also lighting. What are your levels, lighting and how long do you have your lights on for during the day?
How long has this tank been running for?
Is it live rock or dead rock?
give us the whole rundown of the tank and your water change schedulde.
Are you using RODI water?
just a few questions to figure out why you are getting green algae
My tank is 3 months old and I am running BRS dual reactor since day 1. I checked all my water parameter looks correct. Also I using rodi water for everything.
what is your filtration, are you using rodi water, are you running phosban, have you checked for phosphate, how many fish are in this tank, how big is this tank....
Its all part of the cycle of the tank. Your tank is still new and it will go through all different types of stages. As of right now there is nothing to worry about
It looks like green algae to me. But as i asked how old the tank is had to do with it going through its cycle as duke said. But you should really pick up a good phoshpate kit such as red sea and see where its at.
For a new tank, brown algae would happen before green.
I wouldn't worry too much about it if stays like that, however it'll probably disappear if the pink coralline takes over. Coralline can also come in bright green like that or a duller green. I have patches of duller green growing on the glass around patches of pinks. It could be the lighting temperature or the intensity causing it to be green.