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Advanced Reefer
Clifton NJ
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In my 34 gallon tank, I've been overfeeding and there's not enough flow. I'm fixing both of the above mentioned problems. But, I want to clean my sand.

I have a large clean up grew and TONS of spaghetti worms. The worms are a bit of a nuisance ecstatically. Is there a way to clean my sand? Or, should I just swap it out? I'm a little hesitate to swap it out because there are a lot of snails it there that I'd like to keep.

Any thoughts?
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Personally I wouldn't touch the sand... you can get some nassarius snails, (snail with the snorkel) who will dig into the sand and travel through it, hence giving it some turn over.

Or invest in a sand sifting starfish.. which will do the same thing.

But as far as removing it, I'd hold off. Cut back the feeding and keep the CUC strong.. maybe even increase the water flow in the tank to keep the detritus up in the water column and eventually to be filtered out..

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