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I'm new to reefing and have a question concerning filters. I am planning on using a 40 gal breeder as my starter with a canister filter. However, I see a lot of setups that incorporate the use of an refugium for the protein skimmer, added filtration and sump pump. Does the sump pump unit have filtration capablility? Is it possible to enhance the refugium so that it serves as a primary filter as well, bypassing the need for the canister filter? Thanks for any help.


Advanced Reefer
Elmhurst, NY
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I started my 55g with a canister filter knowing that I would eventually have to incorporate the sump into the system and remove the canister. But I was on a budget so I used what I had.

So, while I was cycling the tank, I used the canister as my filtration and water circulation. I only used bio-balls and Chemi-pure inside the canister. Foam or other filtration is not necessary since you are trying to start the bio-chemical filtration.

After my tank cycled, I removed the canister and put in the sump to run as my main filtration. The sump has the filter socks for mechanical filtration, the Protein Skimmer, a refuge with a deep sand bed and some rocks, and the return with the pump. The pump is just a pump to return the water, it is not a filter.
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is bioballs better to use or ceramic tubules? Idealistically, how should a refugium look? I'm planning on buying an eshopps protein skimmer. Is it a good brand to use? And for the sump pump what brand and models are recommended for a 40 gallon breeder? I thank everyone that is answering my questions.
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Will you be running a sump on your tank... if so you do not need a canister filter. The sump, depending on its size and be fitted to hold the necessary mechanical, biological and chemical filtration. That's the beauty of sumps, can be modified to include or not include what ever type of filtration you want to run. There really is no right or wrong way to set up your sump and you can use what works best for you.

Filter socks are a norm for mechanical filtration first to filter the water coming down from your display tank.. the water then travels through the sump through a series of "chambers"... the middle chamber may have a refugium with miracle mud or more live rock...some reefers will also use mangroves here. This is also a good spot for a protein skimmer if you would be running one. The last chamber can be you return pump...

Yes the sump/refugium will be your primary means of filtration...they work in conjunction with the live rock in your tank.

As far as the "sump pump"... I think your referring to the return pump that brings the water back to the display/main tank. This pump has no filtration capabilities per se..., it is simply a means to move water from under your sump up to the display tank.

Now...as far as the canister filter goes.. I've never used one on a SW Reef tank, however I have used them on FW tanks. They are easy to use and eliminate a lot of guess work as far as pump capacities, head pressures, potential overflows and all the other variables that come with hydraulics.. that being said, I would say use it at your own risk. If you do go with the canister filter, monitor your water parameters closely and at the first sign of distress can it. Have a plan "B" in place.

Sorry for the essay, hope I didn't confuse you more.


Experienced Reefer
Central Texas
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All you need is just a basic sump. A canister filter will work fine also but I haven't met one yet that hasn't leaked at some point. Corals are your main filtration in a reef system. Here's some of my systems that were set up with just sumps without skimmers, reactors, or lit refugiums.



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I'm new to reefing and have a question concerning filters. I am planning on using a 40 gal breeder as my starter with a canister filter. However, I see a lot of setups that incorporate the use of an refugium for the protein skimmer, added filtration and sump pump. Does the sump pump unit have filtration capablility? Is it possible to enhance the refugium so that it serves as a primary filter as well, bypassing the need for the canister filter? Thanks for any help.
Yes, you can use a canister filter with media but as some have said you will likely regret it and end up with a sump/refugium in the end.

If you use a sump or refugium just remember you need a drilled tank or external overflow to drain to the sump and then pump the water back up to the tank.

There are far more benefits of a sump or refugium over a canister filter if you want to give this hobby a go.

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