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I moved my 2 clowns about 2 weeks ago to a 40 gallon breeder ,i transferred the male clown first with no problem , when I put the female clown in the tank after acclimating it ,it went to the bottom and just lied on its side I thought it was dying after about a minute it started swimming.it has been about 2 weeks and it keeps lying down in a corner of the tank every now and then ,and to me it looks like it's breathing hard.I also noticed stringy white poop floating in the tank I think it is from this clown fish.Any advice appreciated kind of a newb i have had these 2 clowns of about year now in the 10 gallon with no problems until i transferd them over.Also when I had them in the 10 gallon tank thay would sleep in the water column by the heater ,now they sleep on the floor where u see him lying down in this video clip.http://youtu.be/VRogve_UpgE
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The powerhead is to strong for my tank it is a jeabo wp25 I am only able to keep it on w1 s3 any other mode is way to strong,I have orderd the jeabo wp10 to replace this one ,still waiting for it to arrive.Still not sure if it's the flow ,the male clown is okay only the female is acting like this ,also have a clown goby and a purple fire fish in the tank .I don't have anything for them to host I think they are hosting the jeabo for now.I do want to start adding easy to care for corals this is my first time with a salt water fish,I have been reading up on how to acclimate corals and I have come across threads about dipping them first ,also came across some sites that said to use bayer bug spray ,that it was cheaper and worked better than the comercial products for dipping corals,I might try this.

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