I moved my 2 clowns about 2 weeks ago to a 40 gallon breeder ,i transferred the male clown first with no problem , when I put the female clown in the tank after acclimating it ,it went to the bottom and just lied on its side I thought it was dying after about a minute it started swimming.it has been about 2 weeks and it keeps lying down in a corner of the tank every now and then ,and to me it looks like it's breathing hard.I also noticed stringy white poop floating in the tank I think it is from this clown fish.Any advice appreciated kind of a newb i have had these 2 clowns of about year now in the 10 gallon with no problems until i transferd them over.Also when I had them in the 10 gallon tank thay would sleep in the water column by the heater ,now they sleep on the floor where u see him lying down in this video clip.http://youtu.be/VRogve_UpgE
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