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So I just literally saw my clownfish now for the third time, go nearby one of it's main spots I think it uses to sleep, and pick up sand from it's mouth, spit it out, and then with it's tail fin go to the adjacent sand area and slam the hell out of it, like a battering ram, sending sand up into the air?

I then saw it pick up a piece of shell in it's mouth and move it to a nearby part of one of my live rocks and drop it down?

It's making a new bed for itself, or expanding one of it's existing ones?

Furthermore, another note:

I've started to notice green and red stains almost throughout the sandbed?

I'm not sure if this is good or not? I do know where they most likely must be coming from though. Right now two of the flake foods I feed it, (both my ocean nutrition); I think have been given a food coloring additive, to make them appear green and red?

Now for the last week or so I was feeding my fish twice a day. I'm now starting to drop that to once a day again.

Anyway, even when I was feeding my fish twice a day, I watched it eat. It ate in my opinion almost everything if not everything I gave it to eat?

Furthermore, I have other invertebrates in this tank, and I would think that they would consume, any of the little bits my fish didn't eat?

Thus not sure why these stains are appearing, unless again some of the coloring from these food types is just naturally rubbing into my sandbed?

The right side of my aquarium looks the dirtiest, and the most red. I would like to clean it, but when I tried cleaning the sandbed before, with the two gravel vacs I owned, they really didn't seem to do anything?

Any other way to try to clean sandbeds?


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