I'm very new to the hobby (about six months in) and have just bought a 75G bowfront and stand. Figured the next step is the sump and have been looking at the Eschopps R-100. Any feedback or other recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Mag 9.5 pumping up 5' is way too much flow throu sump and more pump makes more heat. That's like 10x tank volume per hour. Four to six times is the sweet spot. A mag 7 would be perfect fit. Also gotta say on my 72 i went from a mag 7 to an ehiem 1260 and temps went down 3 deg, enough that a chiller was no longer needed.I'm using a 20 long. Only thing is you have to put it in through the top before the tank goes on. But I do believe a 30 gal is the same length but higher.Ifs up to you. I'm running a mag 9.5 turned down a little and it's been working great the whole time.