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How did you guys figures out hot to pvc your tank to sump. I wish there was just a computer program that you could just put your dimensions in and it tells you what to get. tia, Rich


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Not so much a parts list as it is design, for your tank and sump set up.
Pvc can lok very cool if done nice and neat. You can even splurge on colored pipe and fittings.
Imo for most tank over sump set ups a bulkhead hose works best. Simple, no elbows to reduce flow, no stress to bulkhead, and easily removed.


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i am confused. If i get an ecotech return pump but the the outlet is for .75 inches but my overflow is 1" where would I find a converter for that. could not find it at brs. Also do I need anything for the overflow to go into my sump or is that just gravity.


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basically my overflow has two size outlet. 1.25 and 1 inch. I am getting an ecotech return pump which has a .75 out put and think I would use the 1 inch side. the other side I think I will let it just drain into a filter sock. only two chambers so not sure if I could get a refugium since one side will have return pump and maybe skimmer since my sump is only 16" Long x 8" Wide x 14" Tall


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I might take you up on it @chefjpaul. I am getting my plumbing and ordered a bunch of stuff thinking if I dont use it I will return it but if I dont have it I will appreciate it. Thanks :)


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ugh going from an all in one fluval to a sump is not as rosy as I thought it would since the only plumbing I know is how to fix toilets and clogged sinks. I guess I know what I will be doing during the holidays but I think if it works I will be happier with a larger system.


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that looks amazing. i will be happy with a system that works and does not flood but if it loks like urs would be awesome

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