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So For the last few months I have had some hair algae on my rocks its not bad just want it gone. Im not seeming to make a dent in it.... NO3 is at 3ppm. (RED SEA) and Phos is at 0.00 (Hanna) Any Ideas on how to get it gone? Do 10 Gal water changes each week on the 65 gal system.



Reefer Always Learning
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definitely increase the clean up crew. Doesn't sound like a job for a hare, but maybe hermits, an urchin (tuxedo) or turbo snails. Lights out will scale back the initial growth but you want to tackle the problem. Water changes are always a good idea as long as its RODI water. Test that water too to make sure you're not adding anything unwanted during water changes. Your lights could also be throwing off too much "green" or "red" LED. Check those if you can (I have Hydras to adjust easily)
IMO I would definitely try a second phosphate and nitrate test just to confirm results. Either that or take to a LFS to test. I had a bad test for months telling me my nitrates were fine, only to find out on a whim the testing results were bad (bought test off Amazon with no exp date, so who only knows how long it sat on a shelf) Now, I have 2 kits for both parameters that I double check every few months or so to make sure the main test kit is valid (different company test). I'm a big fan of Hanna's Phosphate and Nyos for Nitrate.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm a captive to these testing kits...

I've learned its usually never one thing for most issues, so the more you can test, the better.


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Recently had a bout with hair algae , what I found worked for me was strict schedule for water changes and I started vodka dosing,two months later hair algae is just a bad memory


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Recently had a bout with hair algae , what I found worked for me was strict schedule for water changes and I started vodka dosing,two months later hair algae is just a bad memory
Vodka, or any other carbon dosing can certainly work. Will take a month or more to start seeing progress. You should constantly monitor and adjust your dosing. Your skimmer will need to be big enough to handle it, and when you stop dosing should be aware and prepared for what's to come

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