meherbas Advanced Reefer Location hackensack nj Rating - 100% 15 0 0 Dec 13, 2017 #1 Hey I just recently set up a 34 gal RR is there any other ways to adjust the water level other than the ?overflow gate??
Hey I just recently set up a 34 gal RR is there any other ways to adjust the water level other than the ?overflow gate??
reefer4eva Advanced Reefer Manhattan Reefs Location Glendale,Queens. Rating - 100% 282 0 0 Jan 1, 2018 #2 meherbas said: Hey I just recently set up a 34 gal RR is there any other ways to adjust the water level other than the ?overflow gate?? Click to expand... You can put a ball valve before the sump
meherbas said: Hey I just recently set up a 34 gal RR is there any other ways to adjust the water level other than the ?overflow gate?? Click to expand... You can put a ball valve before the sump
U usctom Advanced Reefer Manhattan Reefs Location Rockland County, NY Rating - 100% 101 0 0 Jan 1, 2018 #3 You can get a longer/shorter pipe. Is this a deep blue tsnk? Iv had a couple and the splashing sound is annoying. With puipe that is a little longer will fix that sound.
You can get a longer/shorter pipe. Is this a deep blue tsnk? Iv had a couple and the splashing sound is annoying. With puipe that is a little longer will fix that sound.