Hey guys. I am now just 3 months into the tank. Everything so far is cycling nice and smoothly. I check my Alk., pH, and Salinity every other day. Everything is as it should be.
KH 144ppm
pH 8.4
Salinity 1.023
Temp 78 F
I have my 2 Black Perc Clowns
1 Purple Firefish
1 Blood Shrimp
3 hermit crabs
4 snails, 2 turbos and 2 crown tops
I just added a rock with three green mushrooms and 2 clams and a frag green hammer.
Lately when I stick my hand in the tank my arm gets irritated Nothing too visual but a little red. Mostly my forearm and elbow. Some fourms say it?s the salt clogging pores, others say it could be a parasite, others says come corals could release toxins... any ideas? And yes, I will be getting and wearing gloves and I have always washed my hand before putting them in the tank.
Also now that I am adding calcium for the corals do I start checking calcium levels? And when do I start checking ammonia, nitrates and nitrites?
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KH 144ppm
pH 8.4
Salinity 1.023
Temp 78 F
I have my 2 Black Perc Clowns
1 Purple Firefish
1 Blood Shrimp
3 hermit crabs
4 snails, 2 turbos and 2 crown tops
I just added a rock with three green mushrooms and 2 clams and a frag green hammer.
Lately when I stick my hand in the tank my arm gets irritated Nothing too visual but a little red. Mostly my forearm and elbow. Some fourms say it?s the salt clogging pores, others say it could be a parasite, others says come corals could release toxins... any ideas? And yes, I will be getting and wearing gloves and I have always washed my hand before putting them in the tank.
Also now that I am adding calcium for the corals do I start checking calcium levels? And when do I start checking ammonia, nitrates and nitrites?

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