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My smallest black clown is acting pretty lethargic. Since the recent death of my BTA this little guy has been sleeping on the rock the past couple days. He will swim a little when I walk up to the tank but will settle back down and almost sleep vertically. I put some food in the tank this morning and he had little appetite and swam a little to check out the food. It looked for a moment as if he was rubbing up on some rocks but it didn?t look like prolong contact was made. I moved him from my tank to a 3g QT with live rock, sand from the tank and current tank water. I will start copper treatment in the QT. Any ideas? Help? Suggestions?

Information on my tank
Tank age 5 months (5 months in the hobby)

24g/6g refugium,
I do a 20%water change on the tank every Monday, yes I did it yesterday.
Water parameters (maintained consistent the past week exc. calcium levels as anticipated, test every other day)
Temp 75
Salinity 1.024
PH 8.4
KH 9
Phosphate >.25
Nitrate >10
Mag 1400
Calcium 420

The only new members to the tank in the past month have been a peppermint shrimp and a diamond goby. The diamond goby was in the tank 16hrs before jumpingout, that was two weeks ago. The peppermint shrimp was put in the same time and I banished him simply because he ate my BTA. Deaths- BTA dies after being sick for 10days.
Other live stock in tank
1 Black Percula Clown
1 fire shrimp
1 mandarin goby
2 green clown gobys
6 snails
1 hermit

All other fish are normal and healthy. No visible signs on the fish that I can see.
Here is a video


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Reefer Always Learning
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copper is super stressful on a fish. if its not showing signs of ich, maybe copper isn't the correct first step. just my opinion, but QT is definitely the best way to go. watch another day or so.
how/when did the nem die? nems are known to quickly foul a tank after its death. that could be a cause for your clowns sudden lethargy


Reefer Always Learning
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clowns are also known to "perch". they do it all the time in a nem and we would never say that is odd behavior. perhaps your clown is just exhibiting behavior it always has done, just without the nem. the nem is also a calming presence to the clown. the stress of that dying could have affected it as well...not to sound all mushy


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copper is super stressful on a fish. if its not showing signs of ich, maybe copper isn't the correct first step. just my opinion, but QT is definitely the best way to go. watch another day or so.
how/when did the nem die? nems are known to quickly foul a tank after its death. that could be a cause for your clowns sudden lethargy

That?s been my concern. There are no signs of ich, but tonight my GF sent me a video and a picture that looks as if his fins are getting spotty and a video of him freaking out. The copper was put in and then he settled down. Now he is sleeping vertical and upside down. He was floating at the top and thought he was dead but checked and he wasn?t. Then he started breathing heavy. Now he?s chilling upside down.
The top of his fins look almost translucent now.


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Reefer Always Learning
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I am very sorry. I am far from an expert at diagnosing diseases. Lethargy is a symptom of many of them, and also could be none of them. keep a close watch on your other fish, do a larger water change than 20% in the near future...im talking 50-75%. i'm still concerned that the nem fouled your water in other ways than just a tad elevated phosphate levels.
Fish death is never easy. i'll never forget when I lost my Midas Blenny 2 years ago. watching the tank at night like I always do and all of sudden the midas shoots out of his rock like a torpedo and then falls straight down into a crack in the rock. immediately dead from only god knows what. heart attack? stung? who knows. sometimes you just never will.
Northport NY
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Fish have emotional needs, physical needs, and individual personalities, clown fish need to for fullfill their symbiotic relationships in some way, with an anemone or other objects they deem safe, you?re Clown may be a ?sad clown? and stressed because of his disappointment in his environment or lack of safety security without the anemone having its back, which could lead to disease, depression, ich or other immune deficiency problems, and happy fish is a healthy fish, put a small Anemone in the tank, let him pair up, he should be fine in 24 hours of pairing up. ( assuming Ich has not progressed) I do not recommend copper unless it?s a life-saving effort ( cooper is a kim to ?fish chemotherapy?)

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