My smallest black clown is acting pretty lethargic. Since the recent death of my BTA this little guy has been sleeping on the rock the past couple days. He will swim a little when I walk up to the tank but will settle back down and almost sleep vertically. I put some food in the tank this morning and he had little appetite and swam a little to check out the food. It looked for a moment as if he was rubbing up on some rocks but it didn?t look like prolong contact was made. I moved him from my tank to a 3g QT with live rock, sand from the tank and current tank water. I will start copper treatment in the QT. Any ideas? Help? Suggestions?
Information on my tank
Tank age 5 months (5 months in the hobby)
24g/6g refugium,
I do a 20%water change on the tank every Monday, yes I did it yesterday.
Water parameters (maintained consistent the past week exc. calcium levels as anticipated, test every other day)
Temp 75
Salinity 1.024
PH 8.4
KH 9
Phosphate >.25
Nitrate >10
Mag 1400
Calcium 420
The only new members to the tank in the past month have been a peppermint shrimp and a diamond goby. The diamond goby was in the tank 16hrs before jumpingout, that was two weeks ago. The peppermint shrimp was put in the same time and I banished him simply because he ate my BTA. Deaths- BTA dies after being sick for 10days.
Other live stock in tank
1 Black Percula Clown
1 fire shrimp
1 mandarin goby
2 green clown gobys
6 snails
1 hermit
All other fish are normal and healthy. No visible signs on the fish that I can see.
Here is a video
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Information on my tank
Tank age 5 months (5 months in the hobby)

24g/6g refugium,
I do a 20%water change on the tank every Monday, yes I did it yesterday.
Water parameters (maintained consistent the past week exc. calcium levels as anticipated, test every other day)
Temp 75
Salinity 1.024
PH 8.4
KH 9
Phosphate >.25
Nitrate >10
Mag 1400
Calcium 420
The only new members to the tank in the past month have been a peppermint shrimp and a diamond goby. The diamond goby was in the tank 16hrs before jumpingout, that was two weeks ago. The peppermint shrimp was put in the same time and I banished him simply because he ate my BTA. Deaths- BTA dies after being sick for 10days.
Other live stock in tank
1 Black Percula Clown
1 fire shrimp
1 mandarin goby
2 green clown gobys
6 snails
1 hermit
All other fish are normal and healthy. No visible signs on the fish that I can see.
Here is a video
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