best and most complete way is to remove ALL fish and allow you tank to go fallow for minimum of 80 days for the life cycles of all ich. you're basically starving the parasites of a host to reproduce so that they die off in the free swimming stage.
treat all fish in a separate quarantine in the meantime.
some aquarists have had luck containing ick with superior diets, good water quality, low stress, etc. lots of garlic soaked foods. but you are not eliminating the parasite only controlling the symptoms of them in your fish community. anything mentioned above changes and you could easily have a full blown outbreak.
a powerful UV will remove the free swimming stage but not its other stages and will never completely eliminate the parasite from the tank, only help control.
copper and cp will eliminate the parasite after about 60 days, but will also kills all inverts, etc. not recommended to ever use in the DT
good luck. not fun to deal with. fallow is the way to go imo for peace of mind.