I am setting up a 77g reef, I initially bought a CPR overflow but it is just too loud . I want to have my tank drilled for a corner overflow. I'm using a Ecosystem sump which recommends 800-1000gph . The sump is directly below in the basement. Questions are how big of bulkhead, lfs is recommending 1.5" so the hole will be 2.5" ,is this too big ,my return pump(Dolphin 2100) can handle it , but I'm worried about tank strength. how far off the bottom of tank should it be, how wide and high is the piece of glass to create the overflow, or should I put bulkhead 4"-6" from top with a 90elbow and a strainer just below water level and forget about the internal overflow box altogether. Besides tank strength my biggest concern is noise. tank is 24"h This site has been a great help already Thank-you!