I'm reading the FAMA July 2003 issue and came across an article replying to an aquarist facing hair algae(Pg 50). In the article, it is mentioned that
1) denitrification process in anaerobic areas, nitrate is only reduce to ammonium (a nitrogen compound).
> Is the above statement true? If yes, what effect ammonium had on the system?
2) nitrate is fully broken down in anoxic areas
3) anything much over an inch or two of sand and/or overabundance of LR is a good breeding ground for alga nutrient
> Am I right to say that in order to obtain pt(2), you need at least 4 inches of DSB. If that is the case, is pt(3) true?
4) it is bad idea to cover more than 25% of the sandbed surface with rocks
> How can we obtain the proportion of 1/3 to 1/2 tank area without covering 25% of the sandbed surface?
Eng Keat :roll:
I'm reading the FAMA July 2003 issue and came across an article replying to an aquarist facing hair algae(Pg 50). In the article, it is mentioned that
1) denitrification process in anaerobic areas, nitrate is only reduce to ammonium (a nitrogen compound).
> Is the above statement true? If yes, what effect ammonium had on the system?
2) nitrate is fully broken down in anoxic areas
3) anything much over an inch or two of sand and/or overabundance of LR is a good breeding ground for alga nutrient
> Am I right to say that in order to obtain pt(2), you need at least 4 inches of DSB. If that is the case, is pt(3) true?
4) it is bad idea to cover more than 25% of the sandbed surface with rocks
> How can we obtain the proportion of 1/3 to 1/2 tank area without covering 25% of the sandbed surface?
Eng Keat :roll: