Welcome to Reefs.org's guide to our resourcess, the world's largest reefkeeper's library! We know this hobby can be daunting for those just starting out, so Reefs.org has put together a comprehensive guide to help you along take steps in the right direction to make your reefkeeping experience more fulfilling and enjoyable.
Please take time to visit the listings below. We hope you find Reefs.org's wealth of information enriching and useful. Always remember: An educated hobbyist is a successful and responsible hobbyist! You've definitely come to the right place! Please feel free to ask questions, help your fellow members, and explore all the features in Reefs.org.
Guides, Glossaries, and Charts:
Reefs.org Beginners Guide By Wade Lehmann
A concise guide on setting up your first reef tank.
Reefs.org Reefkeeping Glossary of Terms
Find out the meaning of anaerobe to zooxantheallae. Hundreds of words that will satisfy any reefkeeper's vocabulary.
Reefs.org Reefkeeping and Internet Abbreviations
If you're wondering what ATS, DSB, etc, mean, look here.
Compatibility Charts
Look here if you're wondering what fish are compatible with other fish. There is also a chart that lists which species of clownfish are compatible with different anemones.
Good beginner's books:
A quick summary of many of the books out on the market for the new and aspiring reefkeeper.
http://www.reefs.org/library/reading/be ... inner.html
Articles & Discussions:
Reefs.org Library: Subject Index:
A complete compilation of all of the articles in the extensive Reefs.org Library -- over 200 articles!
Featured Aquariums and Member's tanks:
Interested in seeing how people set up and maintain their reef tanks? Check here to see how different people approached the task.
Reefs.org Bulletin Board Weekly Discussion: Newbie Advice:
Here are some things our members had to say about what advice they'd give to a new person that's interested in starting a reef tank.
Advanced Beginnings By J. Warrick
http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/ ... ginner.htm
The Basics of Filtration for the Reef Aquarium By J. Warrick
http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/ ... ginner.htm
The Basics of Water Movement in the Reef Aquarium By J. Warrick
http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/ ... ginner.htm
Reefkeeping 102 By Randy Donowitz:
Terminology of the Reef Aquarium By Randy Donowitz:
http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/ ... /rb102.htm
Terminology of the Reef Aquarium, part II By Randy Donowitz:
http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/ ... /rb102.htm
How to Select a Calcium and Alkalinity Supplementation Scheme By Randy Holmes-Farley:
If you're wondering how to maintain your calcium and alkalinity levels in your reef tank, check this article out.
Solving Calcium and Alkalinity Problems By Randy Holmes-Farley:
If you're having problems maintaining your calcium and alkalinity levels, look here.
The Relationship Between Alkalinity and pH By Randy Holmes-Farley:
If you've ever wondered how your alkalinity and pH are related, check out this article.
Specific Gravity: Oh How Complicated! By Randy Holmes-Farley:
If you're wondering about salinity and specific gravity, this is the place to look.
http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/ ... mistry.htm
Additional Resources:
Advanced Aquarist Online Magazine:
Free monthly magazine that discusses all aspects of reefkeeping and fish husbandry. Your favorite authors (Charles Delbeek, Martin Moe, Julian Sprung, etc) write for this magazine.
Marine Aquarium Courses Online:
College-style online courses where people can learn about coral biology, fish biology, acrylic fabrication, etc. There is a modest fee for these courses but they are priced with the hobbyist in mind to keep costs down.
(this is a living document; more to be added as time progresses.)
Please take time to visit the listings below. We hope you find Reefs.org's wealth of information enriching and useful. Always remember: An educated hobbyist is a successful and responsible hobbyist! You've definitely come to the right place! Please feel free to ask questions, help your fellow members, and explore all the features in Reefs.org.

Guides, Glossaries, and Charts:
Reefs.org Beginners Guide By Wade Lehmann
A concise guide on setting up your first reef tank.
Reefs.org Reefkeeping Glossary of Terms
Find out the meaning of anaerobe to zooxantheallae. Hundreds of words that will satisfy any reefkeeper's vocabulary.
Reefs.org Reefkeeping and Internet Abbreviations
If you're wondering what ATS, DSB, etc, mean, look here.
Compatibility Charts
Look here if you're wondering what fish are compatible with other fish. There is also a chart that lists which species of clownfish are compatible with different anemones.
Good beginner's books:
A quick summary of many of the books out on the market for the new and aspiring reefkeeper.
http://www.reefs.org/library/reading/be ... inner.html

Articles & Discussions:
Reefs.org Library: Subject Index:
A complete compilation of all of the articles in the extensive Reefs.org Library -- over 200 articles!
Featured Aquariums and Member's tanks:
Interested in seeing how people set up and maintain their reef tanks? Check here to see how different people approached the task.
Reefs.org Bulletin Board Weekly Discussion: Newbie Advice:
Here are some things our members had to say about what advice they'd give to a new person that's interested in starting a reef tank.
Advanced Beginnings By J. Warrick
http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/ ... ginner.htm
The Basics of Filtration for the Reef Aquarium By J. Warrick
http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/ ... ginner.htm
The Basics of Water Movement in the Reef Aquarium By J. Warrick
http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/ ... ginner.htm
Reefkeeping 102 By Randy Donowitz:
Terminology of the Reef Aquarium By Randy Donowitz:
http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/ ... /rb102.htm
Terminology of the Reef Aquarium, part II By Randy Donowitz:
http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/ ... /rb102.htm
How to Select a Calcium and Alkalinity Supplementation Scheme By Randy Holmes-Farley:
If you're wondering how to maintain your calcium and alkalinity levels in your reef tank, check this article out.
Solving Calcium and Alkalinity Problems By Randy Holmes-Farley:
If you're having problems maintaining your calcium and alkalinity levels, look here.
The Relationship Between Alkalinity and pH By Randy Holmes-Farley:
If you've ever wondered how your alkalinity and pH are related, check out this article.
Specific Gravity: Oh How Complicated! By Randy Holmes-Farley:
If you're wondering about salinity and specific gravity, this is the place to look.
http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/ ... mistry.htm

Additional Resources:
Advanced Aquarist Online Magazine:
Free monthly magazine that discusses all aspects of reefkeeping and fish husbandry. Your favorite authors (Charles Delbeek, Martin Moe, Julian Sprung, etc) write for this magazine.
Marine Aquarium Courses Online:
College-style online courses where people can learn about coral biology, fish biology, acrylic fabrication, etc. There is a modest fee for these courses but they are priced with the hobbyist in mind to keep costs down.
(this is a living document; more to be added as time progresses.)