You want to do two things with "aeration" (remember, this doesn't necessarily mean using an airstone proper, it means ensuring that the O2/CO2 exchange interface--the water's surface--is sufficiently turbulent to allow best exchange), you want to ensure the salt is mixed in well, and you want to ensure that you have optimum oxygen saturation. This is why it can be done with a powerhead, set up so it pulls water from the bottom of the container and pointing towards the surface.
So, if you used a small amount of water to make a supersaturated solution, and were certain all salt/minerals were sufficiently dissolved, then no, you wouldn't have to worry about aeration. Easier said than done, and our tendency is to advise to be safer rather than sorrier, so, make the mix with the aquarium water, I would only bump up the salinity a very few points at a time, assuming presence of inverts here, and aerate for at least a couple of hours. I hope that makes sense.