So, here's the deal. I've recently set up my tank with the aim of setting up a reef (thinking: soft and hard corals, copperbanded butterfly, semi-circular angel).
My experience is mainly freshwater, this tank used to be fresh, but I have managed to keep a pair of percula clowns alive for 6 months (had to sell them when I moved state) in a 60l tank, and used to live in a house with 3 x 5ft tanks in it.
Here are the specs:
The tank has been running for two weeks with no water changes, but I'm facing several issues:
1. pH has started and remained at 8.4. Is this too high?
2. Alk was initially high (due to the plenum) but has dropped off to 80 ppm. I will soon have to start dosing with kalk. This should be cool as I've read the FAQ thread on it and seems straight forward enough.
3. Temp is between 25 and 30 C. This is too high, isn't it? I live in Townsville, Australia which is hot! - and it's only September. I think I might be forced to get a chiller.
4. My tank seems to be cycling "oh, no, something's actually happening in there!
". I added two pieces of live rock about 10 days ago to kick it off. The ammonia rose to 1ppm but has now dropped slightly to 0.5-1ppm, nitrite has risen from 0 to 1 to 5ppm and stopped, nitrate began rising at about the same time as nitrite and has risen steadily to 80ppm.
In the last 3 days I have begun to get slight brown algae (could be diatoms) growing on the sand in the tank. This is what I expected, having watched friend's tanks cycle in the past (this was usually followed by green and red algae growth, respectively).
I assume (and hope) that these levels fall in the near future, meaning that the plenum has begun doing what it is supposed to.
What do you guys make of all this?
My experience is mainly freshwater, this tank used to be fresh, but I have managed to keep a pair of percula clowns alive for 6 months (had to sell them when I moved state) in a 60l tank, and used to live in a house with 3 x 5ft tanks in it.
Here are the specs:
The tank has been running for two weeks with no water changes, but I'm facing several issues:
1. pH has started and remained at 8.4. Is this too high?
2. Alk was initially high (due to the plenum) but has dropped off to 80 ppm. I will soon have to start dosing with kalk. This should be cool as I've read the FAQ thread on it and seems straight forward enough.
3. Temp is between 25 and 30 C. This is too high, isn't it? I live in Townsville, Australia which is hot! - and it's only September. I think I might be forced to get a chiller.
4. My tank seems to be cycling "oh, no, something's actually happening in there!
In the last 3 days I have begun to get slight brown algae (could be diatoms) growing on the sand in the tank. This is what I expected, having watched friend's tanks cycle in the past (this was usually followed by green and red algae growth, respectively).
I assume (and hope) that these levels fall in the near future, meaning that the plenum has begun doing what it is supposed to.
What do you guys make of all this?