Again, thanks a lot to everyone on this site. Your answers to my endless questions have been very educational! Linked off my server is a MSWord doc that contains my master plan. If anyone has time, or is just that bored, take a moment to review what I've put together. The goals of this aquarium are:
• easy inhabitants. There are some difficult things in the species I am considering, but those can wait.
• simple hardware design, again, noob friendly.
• loose biotope: indo-pacific
Do you think 2 powerheads is enough? I have one on the skimmer and one on the 'fuge.
• easy inhabitants. There are some difficult things in the species I am considering, but those can wait.
• simple hardware design, again, noob friendly.
• loose biotope: indo-pacific

Do you think 2 powerheads is enough? I have one on the skimmer and one on the 'fuge.