How many of you have an AquaC Remora hang on skimmer with the little prefilter box?
The skimmer hangs on the back.
The pump is attached to a tube which dips over the edge and into the tank.
The pump is fastened to the tube by a little clampey-doo.
The prefilter box is designed to attach to the pump.
Now the pump always slides out of the tube becuase the prefilter box weighs so much.
*tries to think of a non-ghetto way to hold the prefilter box up.
The skimmer hangs on the back.
The pump is attached to a tube which dips over the edge and into the tank.
The pump is fastened to the tube by a little clampey-doo.
The prefilter box is designed to attach to the pump.
Now the pump always slides out of the tube becuase the prefilter box weighs so much.
*tries to think of a non-ghetto way to hold the prefilter box up.