I have a sneaking suspection that your alk test is old and/or in error (could be from interferance since hobbyist test kits are refined). 24dkH is outrageously high and would mean you have virtually no calcium in solution. I would recheck it with another test kit as well as the Ca levels.
Better yet, mix up some new salt water to the right salinity, let it mix overnight, then test it.
Normally, freshly mixed saltwater will be in the 2.5 meq/l range. You'll have to convert that to dkh yourself... :wink:
If the newly mixed water tests way out of whack, then I'd suspect the test kit first. Bring a sample of it to your LFS and have them test it too... Just to be sure you didn't get some weirdo batch of salt.
Bad batches of salt have been known to happen.
Mike Kirda
OTOH, if that really is a good reading, you ought to have phenomenal coralline growth! :lol:
I just tested some r/o from LFS mixed overnight with tropic marin salt to 1.22 sg (a little low) and it showed a dKH of 8 with the test kit in question.
RO, DI, and distilled water won't be detectable with these test kits. I'm guessing ions in your tank are interfering with the test kit if it continues to read so high, but I'd ignore it if everything is doing well. Test kits are often fooled and should be only rough guidelines.