The siphon break is to prevent water from your main tank siphoning into your sump if your pump goes out (e.g. power outage). Many people return the sump water well below the surface of the main tank. Just drill a hole or two (or more) in your return line (in the main tank) near your water level.
You're going to need a siphon line from the main tank to the sump, which is passively driven (no pump, just gravity feed). Many people overflow the main tank into a surface skimmer/overflow box hanging from the tank, and draining not from the tank, but from the overflow box. There are better ways of doing the siphoning from the tank to sump, but I'm too lazy to sketch that portion in detail.
As one of my friends put it, you
WILL lose electricity at some point (usually, when a snail is grazing over the siphon break hole). At that instant, water from the main tank will siphon back thru the return line, into your sump, flooding your floor

and leaving your fish, rocks, and corals high and dry
I'm attaching a line sketch which shows my friend's setup (in a very schematic fashion). BTW, he's a big fan of Robert Metelsky's "Simplified Reefkeeping" book.