Hi All,
As I browsed online this past weekend, this website definitely struck me as the most informative and nicest! And being a newbie, I do believe I'll need a lot of help.....I have a lot of experience in planted freshwater tanks, but this will be my first reef tank. I'm so excited!
I just recently purchased a JBJ 12g Nanocube. I'm getting ready to set it up this weekend, and being new to this all, I just wanted to make sure that I'll be doing it correctly. From what I've read and from people I've talked to, I will start by running the tank with live rock and live sand. I've heard different variations of the amount to put in. What do you all recommend? The general concensus I'm getting is 20 lbs sand and 10 lbs rock. My second question is on how long I should let the tank cycle and when will I know when the cycle is complete? What will be the step I should take after that? Get a clean-up crew?
I really appreciate any and all info you all can provide. Thanks for your time in reading this!
As I browsed online this past weekend, this website definitely struck me as the most informative and nicest! And being a newbie, I do believe I'll need a lot of help.....I have a lot of experience in planted freshwater tanks, but this will be my first reef tank. I'm so excited!
I just recently purchased a JBJ 12g Nanocube. I'm getting ready to set it up this weekend, and being new to this all, I just wanted to make sure that I'll be doing it correctly. From what I've read and from people I've talked to, I will start by running the tank with live rock and live sand. I've heard different variations of the amount to put in. What do you all recommend? The general concensus I'm getting is 20 lbs sand and 10 lbs rock. My second question is on how long I should let the tank cycle and when will I know when the cycle is complete? What will be the step I should take after that? Get a clean-up crew?
I really appreciate any and all info you all can provide. Thanks for your time in reading this!