I am adding 1-2 Gal of water per day due to evaporation loss. Will this effect my water changes? Meaning is it nec to do them or do as much water when I do? If not as much what would be a good % to change when I do?
No this does not count as a water change. The only thig evaporating is the water. All of the salt and chems stay behind. As far as the amount their are different thoughts on the subject. I like the less is better approach. I do two 5% changes a month, but I keep my stocking level low and skim heavy.
when you say skim heavy how much are you taking out?
I am struggling with how to manage my skimmer. Had the air wide open and had to clean the cup every twelve hours. Now have the air at 50% and looks like i can go 5-6 days.
I have a skimmer that is rated for a 300g tank on my 110g. I keep the air wide open and get a gallon of dark skimate every couple of weeks. What was you skimate like. You could lower the water level and increase the air intake. This should help.