My maroon clown fish is still doing poorly its seems he may have a parasite. I noticed a grey color stripe on the tip of his bottom lip when i first brought him home. He seem normal then on day two he sat in the bottom corner all day. Its going on day four and he is still in his corner only comming out on occasion to drag his body against the ground around the tank. He has developed a light colortation on the tip of his fins (see pictures). He also has developed a dark coloration toward the ends of his tail. I tested my water all seems well amm. 0, nitrate 10, nitrite 0, ph 7.8 (low but adding conditioning to make it raise everyday). Since it finished cycling I recently changed 25% of the water thinking he would be happier.
NOPE! I even gave him a fresh water dip when I read how to treat parasites in a book. I dont know what else to do but treat him with medication. THIIIS REALLY SUCKS! Will he infect my water, rock, snails and sand if i leave him in there? WHAT DO I DO???
thanks to all who respond! PS> sorry the pics are so horrible
thanks to all who respond! PS> sorry the pics are so horrible