I have everything required for my new salt tank and have been researching for a few months now. With encouragement from my wife, I have decided to part ways with my 9" Jaguar cichlid and free up my 75gallon tank for a saltwater tank. It will be some time before I can afford more than 20lbs of LR.
I have already figured the live sand into the equation as well as the regular sand that I will be seeding. I have an unused 29gallon tank that I figured I could start everything in and then graduate to the 75gallon when I have the funds for the required LR. I am aware of the risks associated with the smaller tanks and the sudden unexpected changes in parameters as well as the low tolerance of saltwater species to these changes. Should I save the hassle and just start the 75gallon with what I can afford? I plan to sell some baby Pygo Caribe (Piranha) that I have in another tank to help with some of the costs associated with this venture. I welcome any advice and/or experiences that you've had. Thanks in advance.