I have two ocolerice (can't spell) clowns and once had a long tenticle anenome but they wouldn't go near it what are the more prone to seek out I want to try another but want the clowns to go in the anenome :wink:
Thanx for your input :!:
Anyhow I also have a pair of Ocellaris clowns that woon't go near my H. Malu but have a tone time or anoughter hosted in it or my BTA. Over all they perfer the colt. H. Magnifica is one of their natural anemones.
Ocellaris clowns don't naturally host in many anemones and unfortunately the ones they do aren't the hardier species (carpets, sebae, etc.). However, most A.ocellaris I know eventually host in bubble-tip anemones eventually when you put them in the same tank. Perhaps try a BTA and wait for them to adopt it.
We got a fake anemone (Living Coral) for our clown.
Once our 25H is ready and we move George over I'll let ya know how it goes....
I've heard stories about clowns hosting in Koosh balls! Dunno if it's true, but it would sure look funny in the tank....