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To start, I have a small rock with 10 mushrooms on it (5 are green striped and 5 are the Red mushrooms with the bumps). Sorry that I don't know the names. My dilema is that the green stipes are much bigger than the reds and sometimes completely cover them from any light. The reds aren't shriveling up but they aren't blooming as large as they used to when the greens were smaller.
Is this an attempt to kill the reds off?
What should I do?


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the red ones might get shaded too much and disappear. it happened with mine mixed mushroom rock, i had to crack the rock in half to seperate them. the green stripped ones grow too fast!


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It depends on what you want. If you want to let it take its course, then the reds will die off. You could kill a couple of the greens(remove them) and expose a few red and get a mix. Just a suggestion.


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Do what you think will look best in the end; after all, mother nature didnt spend millions of years evolving all the life forms in the sea for us to make an un-aesthetic arrangment in our small glass boxes. :lol:
By the way, anyone know just how fast spotted mushrooms reproduce and spread? I want them to hurry up, but I dont know how many weeks or months or whatever it will take for them to start spreading out. Also, how DO they propagate? Fission? "Seeds"? Conventional polination/reproduction? :?: :?: :?:


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yes you can move them to another rock. when you remove them if you leave any of the tissue from the foot there it is likely they will regrow given time.

i periodically cut shrooms in half ( sometimes quaters ) and let the pieces grow out into new full shrooms.

i agree with doing whatever looks best, moving them won't hurt anything.


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You can cut them and they should grow back, or you can take a chisel (with the rock out of water) and scrape just under the foot, taking a sliver of rock with the foot intact.


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If you are interested in moving and/or propagating them at the same time, check out the coral propagation tips forum, there are a couple threads on mushrooms in there. Basically you can cut them off, then take a couple steps to let them reattach to rubble, then you can place them where you want.


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Long Island
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If you put any corals too close to eachother eventually one will grow quicker than the other and take over. You could do what others said and either let nature do it’s thing or if you want to keep some of the red mushrooms I would take the rock out and use a hammer and chisel and remove the reds with a little piece of the rock attached to it and put them somewhere else

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