Hello I have tried for 5 days of water changes(10 gal. a day ) to get my nitrates in check.But I don't think it is possible.I have a 55 gallon sw with fish only.I have had my tank set-up for 8 months now.I have always had 40ppm of nitrate.,I want to get live rock and coral someday.But I can't get the Nitrates down at all.Will I ever?Any ideas...I thought about filtered water but really don't want to buy a RO Di filter. I have biowheels in my empereor 400.I thought about removing the biowheels.I have a 5" sand bottom that I have for a month now.I have a little alge but not that much.All the other levels are great ...No nitrites at all for a while now.What can I do?
sdtrippe :roll:
sdtrippe :roll: