I gor seaclone 100 skimmer, got it 3 days ago. it is creating lot of fine
mist bubbles in my tank, i tried adjusting it but nothing is helping,i also put a divider with sponge on a outflow but bubbles are still leaking in my tank,within minutse my tank turns white.I was told to runn it with no air
for 1-2 days, I did that as well ,tried adjusting it as per instructions and still bubbles. I dont know what else to do?should I still let it run with no air
for a bit, anyone has any sugestions?HELP!!!!!!!
:x :x
I gor seaclone 100 skimmer, got it 3 days ago. it is creating lot of fine
mist bubbles in my tank, i tried adjusting it but nothing is helping,i also put a divider with sponge on a outflow but bubbles are still leaking in my tank,within minutse my tank turns white.I was told to runn it with no air
for 1-2 days, I did that as well ,tried adjusting it as per instructions and still bubbles. I dont know what else to do?should I still let it run with no air
for a bit, anyone has any sugestions?HELP!!!!!!!
:x :x