I had the same problem! I am on a well and do not have super high water pressure. My Kent system said best performance can be achieved at 90-110 PSI, I was at 40. So I bought a pressure pump to help it out a bit, now it runs at 90 PSI and my waste water is less but not great, at about 7 to 1.
I live in the North East and its been cold, my water temp is around 55, recommended water temp is 70. To get around the temperature thing I purchased a 60 foot peice of 1/4 tube ( I tried 25' but I still had very cold water) and replaced the short fill tube, I filled a 5 gallon bucket with warm water and tossed in a heater to maintain the temp, submerged the 60 feet of tube and presto! 70 degree water going in. I think the temperature helped far more than the pressure. I am at 3 to 1 now.
Thanks to Kent Marine for the idea!