I use lots of LFSs, but I also have a retail license so sometimes I buy stuff wholesale down in the Bay area. There aren't any LFSs in Davis that I would ever buy a fish at. Petcetera is run by a couple very nice old folks, though, so I buy food from them. They actually have a really good stock of frozen food, and live food. They're the only place in town I can get DTs phytoplankton.
I know the guy you're thinking of, Rob. He lives in one of the "Pike" houses just north of my apartment complex. I live RIGHT next door to Baker's square, in the complex. A bunch of Alpha Phi and KKG girls live there. If you look at where the mailboxes are, and turn around, you'll see my tank through a window. I'm usually home during the day, so knock on my door if you come by.
I think a Banggai Cardinal could work in your tank. You could even get a male and a female pair. I always like to have pairs of fish when possible. How big is your maroon clown in inches, exactly? It might be possible to get her a male partner.
The tanks in Storer are for display. If you've taken Bio 1B, you've seen all the animals we have 'behind the scenes'. We have a representative from almost all the major classes of every invertebrate phylum for the students to look at.