I found this very interesting...
The Seaclone 150 works side by side with a CPR BakPakII. They both perform equally as well. The collection rate is almost identical for each skimmer. The Seaclone takes less room than the CPR BakPakII, not as wide, and I purchased it on-line for $70 less than a new CPR, or $90 delivered. The CPR is a reconditioned unit that I got for around $100.
Now read this....Bak Pak 2R: Great Performance in the beginning BUT...
Jul 17 '03 (Updated Nov 14 '03)
Awesome Skimming Performance...in the beginning
Lots of microbubbles returning to tank via the outlet tube...lots
The Bottom Line
If it weren't for the microbubbles problem, I would give this skimmer an excellent rating. Recommended...NOT at the moment
Full Review
11/15/03 Update:
The noise from the air line has gotten louder than when it was new. I clean the rio pump and the air line about once every two weeks. The cleaning helps but it is not as quite as before.
The collection cup does not collect as much skimmate as during the first month. I do not know if the water in my tank is so good that there are minimal items to skim or if the skimmer/rio pump is just not working as good anymore. I guess if the reasoning is that the water quality is reaaly good now, then shouldn't my bubble problem gone away?!?!
Well I was a sucker and bought (early September) the bubble trap and several other foam filters that is supposed to reduce/eliminate micorbubbles (cost me $40 with shipping). With the bubble trap attached to the outlet tube, the microbubbles stopped going back into my tank...yeah...but after about 15 minutes, sometimes even less, the skimmer starts overflowing. No way in heck I am gonna baby sit the skimmer 24/7. Out goes the bubble trap.
I installed the three foam filters 1 (square filter) at the intake end of the outlet tube, 1 (square filter just underneath where the water flows into the 3rd chamber from the 2nd chamber, and 1 half-cylinder shaped one just inside the outlet side of the outlet tube. This drastically reduces the microbubbles but there are still bubbles going back into the tank. Also, I have to clean these once a week or else they get too dirty and then the skimmer starts to overflow. Cleaning/maintenance does not bother me, but taking the square filters out requires dismantling the skimmer. After doing this just twice, two weeks in a row, I was done with.
Now it is 11/15/03. The square foam filters are no longer installed. The bubble trap is definitely not installed. I have a skimmer that puts microbubbles back into my tank. Albeit, it is a lot less than before but still enough to be noticed easily, especially the lights on and the glass clean.
Final conclusion:
I really do not like this skimmer. I have spent a little over to $170 to buy the skimmer and the items that claim to eliminate the bubbles. All for not. Cosidering I have spent nearly $200, I could have bought a more expensive skimmer off the bat, and not be complaining.
Learn from my experience. Don't buy this skimmer.
Original review:
After several years since I took apart my old saltwater tank, I finally decided to set another one up. Several hundreds of dollars later, I now have a 55 gallon tank with 60 pounds of live rock, 40 pounds of aragonite sand, and 20 pounds of live sand. After reading all of the great reviews about the CPR BakPak 2R skimmer, I decided to buy one.
Out of the box, it was very simple to set-up. I don't think it even took me five minutes. Not complicated at all. The only complicated thing (if you can ever consider this complicated) is figuring out how high or low to set-up the collection cup. Read the directions.
Awesome skimming. This skimmer is so efficient that during the first month that the tank was set-up, I had to empty out the collection cup every day, on some days twice a day. The optimum color of the liquid collected should be a dark tea (dark green) in color.
On CPR's discussion boards, there have been some complaints about lot's of noise coming from the air line. True it is not silent but it is definitely not loud, and I have the air line fully open.
There have been suggestions to make the air line longer to reduce the sound, but this will reduce the efficiency of the skimming. Which do you prefer, better skimming or lower noise. Bottom line, it is not loud at all.
Only complaint (a very big one at that): Microbubbles
A whole heckuva lot of microbubbles enter the tank through the outlet tube. I have spoken to CPR about this. This is the major complaint/question on CPR's discussion board.
(They have to follow some kind of script).
First they told me that it was because there are a lot chemicals in the water from using tap water and/or adding supplements. Well, I use RO filtered water and I do not put supplements in the tank.
Second they said it may also be caused from the water changes. The supplements/minerals contained within the salt causes the surface tension to rise. It would take 24-48 hours for the bubbles to stop. Well it has been 2 weeks since my last water change, and all tests are still good (ammonia 0, nitrate 0, ph 8.1), but the bubbles are still there. At any rate they are blaming the salt? That is funny. If the salt is the cause then all makes and models of skimmers would cause these microbubbles.
(Before I give their third suggestions let me briefly explain the different chambers of the BakPak 2R. The first is the reaction chamber where the air and water mix - on top of this chamber is where the collection cup goes; the water then flows to the second and third chambers. The 2nd and 3rd chambers are supposed to reduce/eliminate the bubbles from the first chamber.)
Third they told me that the rio pump and the air line may be dirty. This didn't make any sense to me because these are connected to the INTAKE tube that go into the 1st (the reaction) chamber. The microbubbles I am complaining about are coming out from the OUTLET tube from 3rd chamber. How would the pump and airline have anything to do with this problem? After I asked them this question, they came back with - the 2nd and 3rd chambers may NOT completely eliminate the bubbles from the first chamber, but only reduce the amount. What kind of answer was that?
At any rate, I made sure that the both the air line and the pump were clean. Guess what...the bubbles are still there. Next excuse please.
Fourth they told me to buy the bubble trap that connects to the end of the outlet tube. I have to admit that I have not done this one yet. I have read many reviews that the bubble trap causes the 3rd chamber to overflow because the bubble trap slows the water outflow too much. 'Cause of this I have been too afraid to spend the $20 for this accessory. For all I know this may solve the problem and not cause any overflowing...I still might do this if the problem persists.
Fifth, after none of the above suggestions worked, they told me that my tank was new and that I have to be patient and let the problem work itself out. According to some comments made on the CPR discussion board, some owners say that this problem should go away in about 4 - 6 months. WHAT! After buying a brand new skimmer, why in the world should someone have to wait that long for the skimmer to work properly without any side effects? I know of several other skimmers (albeit more expensive) that work perfectly from the beginning...no bubbles going back into the tank.
Finally, the funniest advice/comment they gave me: microbubbles appear naturally in the ocean and are not harmful to livestock. The only reason why people complain about microbubbles is that they are not aesthetically pleasing. No duh...who the heck wants to see microbubbles floating around the entire tank? What a cop-out!!
Final words:
All the suggestions and advice that the CPR support team has given me, makes me feel like that the water in my tank has to be absolutely perfect for there to not be any microbubbles. C'mon, how many aquarists out there have absolutely "perfect" water quality? The many test readings I have done during the first 2 months indicate that my water is good. Besides, you shouldn't have to have "pefect" water quality for the skimmer to work correctly. If the water is already perfect, theoretically there would be no need for a skimmer!
Don't get me wrong, the CPR's customer support is very good. They are very prompt in answering your questions, but I just feel like they just give canned answers to a their #1 complaint about their BakPak 2R
For $130 or less, this skimmer is a good value, especially if you're one of the lucky persons not to have this problem. However, if I knew of this problem before I bought this, I would have bought a different skimmer.
I really do want to believe that this skimmer is as awesome as some people will testify to, but the I just can't at the moment. Sure this skimmer does its job perfectly, but the side effect is very annoying.
If after 4 months (2 more months to go), there are still microbubbles going back into the tank, I will buy the bubble trap. At the six month mark, if there are still these bubble problems, I will buy a different skimmer make and model.
I will provide an update.
The link to the CPR message board is below.
Amount Paid (US$): 120
This product best suits: Medium-sized aquariums
Bottom Line.....I would purchase another Seaclone instead of the Bak Pak.