Also, just wanted to add...
Incandescent lighting is generally a poor choice over a reef tank. They're usually regarded as too inefficient for our purposes - ie. they waste too much of their power consumption producing heat instead of light.
This is one of the reasons why suggesting light levels in watts or watts-per-gallon for a reef tank is not terribly useful. Different types of lighting systems can produce VERY different irradiance levels on your reef animals despite the fact that power draw may not be all that different.
In fact, even with similar systems that are generating similar light levels at the lamps, changing reflectors, mounting heights, animal placement, etc. can dramatically impact how much light actually gets to the critters. None of that changes total watts drawn, or watts-per-gallon...
All that said, I agree with the general recommendation above, for a small tank like your 10 gallon, PCs, preferably with decent reflectors, would probably be the least expensive way to get some quality lighting over your softies...