My girlfriend needs a new filter for her tank, so I figured i'd give her my Millenium 2000 which I was just using for "that much more" in the first place. I dont like it much anyways. I thought my parasite plague was awful, but I guess it came at a good time, so now I can redo my filtration like I want. But now i have a few options. I thought about replacing the Millenium with an Emperor 280, but then I got to thinking whether the mechanical was all that important, and if I should just buy a Bio-Wheel Pro 30 add on for my HOT Mag. Or...should keep the Mag seperate and buy a whole Bio Wheel Pro 60 w/ the appropirate powerhead to run it? Ofcourse my filter pad in the Millenium does get nasty awful quick, so the extra mechanical might be useful. So basically my question is Emperor, Bio Wheel off of Mag, or seperate Bio wheel? Thanks for the help!