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Hello everybody,

I am fairly new to the saltwater side of the hobby and have just converted my 90 gallon tank to saltwater. I just purchased a Ecosystem 3612 and am awaiting its arrival. I currently have a Rio 3100 pump, but based on what the manufacturer recommends, I should be pushing 1000-1200 gph through the Ecosystem filter. I have been researching a new pump to push this, but I would appreciate some advice from the experienced people here.

I am trying to push 1000-1200 gph with about 4'-5' of head. I would like a good quality pump that isn't going to kill my electric bill too much. I was looking at the Mag Drive 12 or 18, the Iwaki MD70RLT or WMD40RLXT and Little Giant 4-MDQX-SC. I have heard that Iwaki are the best, but from what I can see they cost twice as much to purchase and more than twice as much to run.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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My Iwaki has been running for about 2 years now, continuously

I went through 3 rio's in the 3 years I have had a tank.

My One and only Mag 5 makes these rattling noises every once in a while.

that sums up my experiences for ya....


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Also, the Iwaki's that are rated for pressure probably draw more electricity

Just a guess on that.

Be sure you are comparing the same type pumps when comparing prices


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Mags are good as long and you do not have a lot of lift or pressure to overcome. I have used both the 12 and 18 for severl years with no problems. I now use a panworld (AKA blueline) HD-40. I was a little more than the mag, but IMO it is a better pump.

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