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paoli, pa
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Ef3s":1aelg5lm said:
TBH, buying a refracto off ebay is a really bad idea...you have no idea if those people dropped it or not.....

Pay the $40 and shipping or pay for one a little more with no shipping from LFS...! Or your hydro could be correct....but those change over time as well....

pardon me..but that advice is just plain stupid. anyone can drop anything before you get it. you think because you bought something from a pet store or an online vendor, they cushion it with pillows before you get it?
if you don't know about something, don't comment on it like you do.

as for the photos, i take them using every possible setting, and then i save the ones that came out best. i take 30 or 40 pictures, and show you the 5 or 6 best ones.


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I dunno what planet your from but when you buy something from a store and it doesnt work you return it for a refund.

WHen you buy something from ebay and it doesn't work the seller laughs at you when they cash your check.

I also don't appreciate your rudeness towards me I am trying to learn and help others, not flame like on my WWC forums...


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Come on guys! Let's have a good time in here, I really don't want my tank history thread to become a flame war! 8) I think both of you have good points. :wink:

I discovered a new "inhabitant" in the tank. Here is the pic. It sooo tiny!!
What is it? A red mushroom?


  • New inhabitant!.JPG
    New inhabitant!.JPG
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paoli, pa
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Ef3s":1di71cmi said:
I dunno what planet your from but when you buy something from a store and it doesnt work you return it for a refund.

WHen you buy something from ebay and it doesn't work the seller laughs at you when they cash your check.

I also don't appreciate your rudeness towards me I am trying to learn and help others, not flame like on my WWC forums...

again..you speak of something you know absolutely nothing about.

if you want to know about ebay, ask someone. but to give someone advice on a subject you are clearly clueless about, is not learning, nor is it helping others.
i am from an intelligent planet. a planet where people who have experience, pass it on to others. and, sadly enough, a planet where people make up things to have something to say on internet forums.

FYI- ebay has certain rules about what goes on and what doesn't. shipping and return policies are clearly stated. you can trust a person who has thousands of positive feedback to do exactly what they state they will do, in the auction. and it's a place where in many cases, you can save money.
to tell someone to spend more money than they need to, just because you feel that it's the right thing to do, isn't cool. where is your experience in this matter?


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Upstate NY
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Guys, let's try to keep it civil.

Everyone is entitled to express their opinion provided they can do it with some degree of tact. :wink:


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I beg to differ with you Mr. X, I see no evidence of this being an intelligent planet!!! you have any proof of this?? or are you speaking of something you know nothing about???

just kiddin' X :evil: !!!


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paoli, pa
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yep. i'm sorry ef3s. my attack was uncalled for.
i hope you can look past the aggression and get something helpful out of my post.


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I bought a refractometer! $35

I calibrated it as per the instructions in the manufacturer's site, starting with distilled water to set it to zero. Then I measured my tank's water and the reading is 32 0/oo which is lower than what is supposed to be: 35 0/oo

I am going to increase the salinity. I will wait till the water in the tank evaporates and instead of freshwater add saltwater.

Test results today:
Nitrate 20
Nitrite 0
Ammo 0
Alkalinity 200
pH 7.9
Temp 80.9


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32 ppt is about 1.023
34.5 ppt is 1.026 specific gravity.
There is some good info here: http://ozreef.org/equipment/refractometer.html

My hydro was ok but required several tries, I feel more comfortable with the refractometer.

I did a 30% water change today. So far the tank is looking great. I never got a spike, I guess the live rock and live sand did their job from day one.
It has been over 3 weeks now since initial setup, so I am crossing my fingers.
I can see some green hair algae growing now. I guess I need more snails and crabs in there.

Other than that the readings are great. The refractometer helped me set a very stable salinity. Both for the tank as for the rock curing tank and for the water changes.

Both the Damsel and the Purple Tip Anemone are doing great.
In another week I will add a mushroom and maybe another fish.

I want to grow a Lion Volitan. I know it might be challenging to get more inhabitants with the Lion in the tank, but I have always liked that fish.

I have read that I can combine Lions with Triggers and puffers. Any experience with any of those?




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dwarf lionfish is the largest lionfish you can get for your tank size. Volitans are the largest, and require well over 100 gallon tanks. Think about this.... they get as big as a football. They take up a lot of width unlike other fishes.


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If I get a 2-3" Lion Fish how long until it will outgrow a 55g tank?
Cause one thing I could do is keep one in the 55" and upgrade to a 75-100 tank in about a year or so.
Kind of regret not going bigger now. I am guessing is about the same effort to keep a 55 than a 100, only bigger Skimmer and bigger pumps, but the 55 is the limiting factor as far as what I can put in the tank.

Oh well!! Hind sight is 20/20 right?


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I have an Antennata Lionfish. Websites say 30 gallon min so I'm thinking my 50 is fine, but apparently a lot of those information are misleading?? I was going to upgrade too but I think I'll hold off on that for now. I might go overseas...

Anyways, Lionfish grows fast. I got mine when he was 2.5", and in about a year he will start to outgrow my tank. I think I've had him for around 2 months and he's 4" now. They eat a lot and they grow really fast. Also, you would want to find out if your skimmer can keep up with "predators." I learned that the hard way by buying 3 skimmers in 5 months. lol

I recommend a dwarf lion for your size tank. In my opinion I think there are better looking than the Volitan. My favorite are the Radiata and the Antennata that I got. That's personal taste tho


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Do you have the Dwarf Lion solo in the tank or do you have any other fish?
I guess perculas are out of the question with a lion right?
Tangs need bigger than my 55g (48" front)
All I have read directs me to either foxface, triggers and puffers, but with caution. Also Angels.
This chart is pretty useful http://www.petco.com/assets/livefish/sa ... chart.html

Thanks for the info Mrktplayer!!


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Boret":18nanoqr said:
Do you have the Dwarf Lion solo in the tank or do you have any other fish?
I guess perculas are out of the question with a lion right?
Tangs need bigger than my 55g (48" front)
All I have read directs me to either foxface, triggers and puffers, but with caution. Also Angels.
This chart is pretty useful http://www.petco.com/assets/livefish/sa ... chart.html

Thanks for the info Mrktplayer!!

I don't have a dwarf, but I should have. That's why within a year I have to get rid of my Lion :(

Tangs generally need at least 6 foot tanks, which are 100+ gallon range.

I think you'll be fine with perculas and a lion, assuming the lion is a juvenile. I am not 100% on this. I'm just a noobie like yourself, and I don't think I'm quite knowledgeable enough to answer anymore than this.

http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2002- ... /index.php

pretty good info there on Lionfish. I haven't been stung yet *knock on wood* Actually one time I was drunk and I tried to pet him. lol. They are fun though. Mine begs for food all day and will follow me around the tank.

edit: forgot to answer. Yes I have other fish. As long as the other fish are too big for them to swallow then you're fine. I'm not sure if problems can happen once they mature? That I'm not sure.


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Today the readings are great!
0 ammo, 0 Nitrite, 10 Nitrate, 8.2 pH, 81F temp, 1.024 salinity, Alk 196

So I added a Yellow Tang.

I was getting a bit of green algae, and the Tang cleaned most of it in a few hours!!

I believe the tank is fully cycled and everything is doing great in there!
Thanks for all the help guys. I will keep adding pix as the tank evolves!!


  • Tang_Sep3.JPG
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